Monday, September 4, 2017

Monday September 4, 2017

Weekend update;  sitting at dining room table, 1730 on Labor Day

Sunday the 3rd,  up at 0630 and get ready for Y.  Nancy swam and I did my mini routine.

Stopped at Panera for a quick cup of coffee.  Changed into our Sunday church clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  It was cool so I wore a blazer.  I thought they had a good crowd for Labor Day weekend.

Stopped at Meijer's on our way home for supplies and gas.  Gas has gone up $0.20 a gallon.  I had a quick lunch and then a short nap.

At 1430 we drove to Kathi Kothe's for a swim and dinner. The sun was now out and temp in high 70s.  Nancy and Kathi spent time in the pool.  No pool for me because of my infected arm.

For dinner Kathi fixed baked beans and brats.  We also had corn on the cob and potato salad.  Great end of summer meal.  We sat on her screened in porch overlooking her great backyard.  

We got home at 2100 and quickly read the GRP before turning in.  

Monday September 4, Labor Day;

We did not Labor today.  No MVP or Y instead we grabbed Ms P and drove to Saugatuck.  We had breakfast at the Southerners which overlooks the Channel to Lake Michigan.  The place was jammed but we did get a seat in 30 minutes.  

We are always amazed at how the I196 corridor between GR and Saugatuck has developed since we arrived in 1968.

I took a 14 mile bike ride on my single speed this afternoon.  Encountered 22mph winds which made travel strenuous.  

Short nap.  Ironed several khakis before sitting down and writing this blog.  Light dinner and then some TV.

A relaxing end of summer weekend.

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