Saturday, September 16, 2017

Friday September 15, 2017

Blog time 1110 at Panera:

Yesterday we got word that Carol Smith’s father had passed.  Carol Smith’s firm, LSE, purchased my firm, Scott Civil Engineering Company.  Carol is a great engineer and good business woman.  I was proud to have her purchase Scott Civil Engineering.  Nancy and I wish to express our condolences to Carol and her family.

Of course it is Friday so we overslept today.  No upper body exercises today so I did an abbreviated routine at home.  Hopped on the bike and took a ten mile ride to Panera.  

Things I gleaned from London papers:

Daily Mail had two snake stories! Why are Brits fascinated with snakes?

Luckily the London Subway bomb did not fully explode.

North Korea’s recent missile over Japan forced the Japanese government to issue alerts.  What is this guy’s plan?  Is he going to self destruct?

Harvard had offered Chelsea Manning a visiting fellow position.  Thank God cooler heads prevailed and the fellowship was withdrawn.  Manning was a traitor and President Obama made a big mistake pardoning him/her.

The Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia is starting a power grab.

Lunch, walked the dog and spent the rest of the afternoon puttering around.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed downtown to the GR Art Museum.  We attended a pre Art Prize showing of the exhibits that will be on display during the three weeks of Art Prize.  Refreshments were served and the event was well attended.  We saw a lot of folks from our old neighborhood.  I did not connect with any of the art work on display.  

We watched an episode of “The Heart Guy” on Acorn before turning in. 

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