Thursday, September 28, 2017

Wednesday September 27, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera:

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up with the alarm at 0530.  Pitch black when I headed out.  Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  We meet at the University Club on the 10th floor of the 5/3 Bank building.  Despite being downtown the drive is really quite easy especially at 0630.  We park in the building’s underground garage.  The cost of parking is included in our dues.

Today's speaker was the Executive Director of Blandford Nature Center.  He talked about a successful $10m fund drive and the Center’s recent purchase of an adjacent golf course which significantly increased the size of the nature center.  Blandford is now one of the largest nature centers in the USA. Good talk.

This morning I sat at a table with eight members.  All are white males over the age of 70.  The table conversation turned to the NFL and National Anthem.  It was unanimous.  The NFL was wrong to disrespect the flag.  The feelings were quite strong.  Is this feeling generational?

After BC I stopped at Breton Auto Wash and got the Escape cleaned inside and out.  Stopped at home changed clothes and pedaled to Panera.

The damage from the recent hurricane in Puerto Rico is hard to fathom.  No electricity for days, diminished food supplies and the difficulty getting supplies to residents.  Lack of electricity means credit cards cannot be used and residents are having a hard time getting cash.  The second guessers are complaining that enough is not being done.  From what I see I think the relief agencies are doing a good job.  These agencies are dealing with disasters in TX and FL in addition to PR.  PR is 1,000 miles from the mainland and supplies must be flown in or shipped.  The cost of sending supplies to PR via ship is very costly because of the Jones Act.  This Act say cargo must be on USA ships with a USA crew.  This is very costly compared to using non USA ships.  PONTUS should suspend this requirement during the PR crisis.  Both Presidents Bush and Obama suspended the act.

The GOP is close to announcing their tax plan.  I hope it is more successful than their efforts at health care reform.

Stopped at Macatawa Bank on way home.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  The weather was cool so I took Ms P on a short walk.  

Quick lunch and then did load of laundry and took out trash.  Tried to take a nap but failed.  Played FreeCell instead.  Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  She gave us an update on what She and AJ have been doing.  AJ is having a good school year.  It is great that she likes to read.  

We watched the last episode of The Heart Guy on Acorn.  I hope their is a second season.

Before turning in I downloaded the new operating system to my iPad, iPhone, and watch.

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