Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Monday September 25, 2017

Blog time 1050 at Panera:

This morning our sleep was interrupted by horns honking.  I figured that there was a big traffic backup on I 96.  Normally we don't hear traffic on 96.

We both got ready for our trips to our health clubs.  Our hot weather will continue through Tuesday.  High today in low 90s with bright sun.  Looks like we will need AC today.

Really difficult to figure out what to wear on these hot days.  High 60s when I left home and 70 when I got to the Y.  Shed a layer when I left.

Stuff from London papers:

Merkel’s victory is said to be bittersweet.  Far right party wins for first time.  She will have difficult time forming government.

Good grief would you drink carbonated milk?

Several stories on NFL players taking knee.  

Major league confusion in the U.K. on a BRexit plan.  No one seems in control.

Wolfs have been sighted around Rome.  First time in over 100 years.  The area is loaded with wild boars.  The wolfs find them tasty.

Stuff from WSJ:

Chinese universities are being forced to toe the party line.  Mandatory Ideology classes are required.  Folks who make negative statements about the regime are punished.  Not a free society.  In today’s internet world how long can the mind control last?

The region of Catalonia in Spain wants to hold a referendum regarding their separation from Spain.  The Spanish Government says the referendum is illegal but they are facing serious opposition.  What is with the separation movements, Kurds in Iraq, Scotland in U.K. , and Flemish in Belgium?

There are sensible solutions to solving our high taxes.  George Shultz and others senior GOP members have proposed a carbon tax.  It would be environmentally beneficial and raise enough revenue to offset tax cuts.  Simpson/Bowes also had a sensible solution to our deficit problems.  The GOP’s far right will not compromise.  We really need a third Political party. This party would be made up of moderate GOP and Dems folks.  Sound like a good idea?

It was 88 when I left Panera.  Before lunch I took a quick walk around the block.  Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  I bought a long sleeve tee, prunes and small sandwich rolls.  Nancy came up empty handed.

I did take a short nap.  Light dinner and then my short evening walk.  We watched another episode of The Heart Guy before turning in.

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