Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wednesday March 29, 2017

Blog time: 2035 sitting in den watching "Major Crimes" on TNT

Alarm goes off at 0530, today is Breakfast Club Wednesday. We had a good turnout. The speaker talked about an upcoming school mileage. He convinced me. Today I gave the invocation.

A big issues with BC is finding a new place to hold our meetings. The Women's City Club is no longer available. We have been given two options, none good. I think both options are ok for me. The sad thing is that both 90 year old members that sit at my table will not attend.

After BC I stopped at the Y. Today was a 40% day.

Stopped at Meijer's to pick up a prescription. Next stop was the bank to get money for Kim who is cleaning tomorrow.

Quick lunch and then headed out for a 1300 appointment with the cataract surgeon. He checked out my left eye and said the surgery was a success. The right eye surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. Quick nap and then at 1700 we headed out to Trinity Lutheran for their Wednesday Lenten soup dinner.

We got home at 1830 just in time to watch the news. I needed to get my 30 in so I took Ms P on a walk. One benefit of DST is that walks in the evening are possible.

Busy day!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday March 28, 2017

Blog time: 1120 at Panera

Temps in mid 40s and cloudy when I headed out this morning. Took a seven mile route to the Y.

Calisthenics this morning at 30%. No problem.

The London papers had this shocking fact. Jeremy Corbyn the head of the Labor Party is less popular than our POTUS.

Japan a non violent country with only self defense forces now wants to develop first strike capabilities to offset the threat from North Korea. China should worry about an armed Japan.

Every day the London papers have articles about how incompetent their NHS is. Take note friends of single payer plans.

Report on a man in Indonesia who was swallowed by a python , complete with photos.

The upside to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. A huge exclusion area was developed around the plant. People stay out but animals did not get the memo. Animals not seen in decades have returned. European Bison, moose, bears, lynx, wild horses and wolves have returned. No six legged mammals were noted.

On these cold damp days I have turned to wool to stay warm. Nothing beats wool.

Read the WSJ but it found nothing that caught my interest.

Finally Ms P felt like walking today. We walked an easy mile with no apparent discomfort.

After lunch I was going to take a very short nap. Reclined in the easy chair in the den and slept over an hour. Bummer!

Spent time In the office doing mundane chores. We did get a call from out tax preparer and she said this year we get a refund.

I called the provider of my sleep apnea machine about a bill. The cost of supplies is paid by Medicare. Next month I will be the proud owner of the machine. I told the representative that I have not been using the machine because I must wear an eye patch to bed. The eye patch conflicts with the machine's nose piece. She said no problem or penalty.

Nancy is fixing meatloaf for dinner tonight. Sounds good. We will also start eating our last loaf of Irish Soda Bread. This bread is too die for. Of course it is loaded with sugar.

Speaking of diet, etc I was surprised that during the past week of rest my weight has remained the same. SOS is a great, painless diet.

Tonight is our CBS evening. NCIS and Bull.

Tomorrow I meet again with the cataract surgeon. He will schedule my surgery for the right eye.

Also tomorrow I have BC and tomorrow night Nancy and I are attending a Lenten Soup dinner.

Stay tuned.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday March 27, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The rain stopped this morning but when I headed out on my bike I encountered fog and mist. I cut my bike ride short because of the moisture. First time on my bike in a week.

Tomorrow I will start limited calisthenics. Today I just walked two miles.

Nancy's foot pain has returned. She has started wearing her boot. She is trying to get an appointment with the foot doc.

Speaking of doctors I have been calling my optical Neurologist and telling him the double vision has been gone for a week. I want to get off the steroids.

Quiet news day in London. BRexit still dominates the news. I was surprised that the London papers did not report on the disturbances in Russia.

Defeat of GOP's attempt to abolish the ACA dominates the US news. The Freedom Caucus really does not understand that a democracy requires compromises just like a marriage.

I like my bike without the snow tires. It turns easier and rolls better. I was thinking of getting a 29er but I will stick with the bad boy. It has all the features I want and what an old man needs. Safety is important.

After lunch I started chores. Load of laundry, shined shoes, did some personal grooming, filled out a Cascade Twp tax form, wrote the invocation for BC, and printed a copy of a document I bought in Ireland relating to the Hughes family.

Light dinner and then at 1830 we head out to Meijer's Garden for their member get together. Light snack were provided. Nancy and I also had a glass of wine.

We met Jackie and Jeff Hartman. Nancy and Jackie worked at Blodgett Gift Shop. The Hartman's are from Midland. Jeff played football at Wyoming for my old high school coach. Good time.

For years I have been a subscriber to Canoe and Kayak magazine. Today I was told that C&K is no longer being published. In its place they sent me a copy of SUP. I guess SUP stands for stand up paddling. I scanned the magazine. I would never on my own buy this magazine.

I got my 30 minutes in today did you.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday March 26, 2017

Weekend Update: 1700 sitting in office

We had rain most of the weekend. I was able to get a two mile walk outside on both Saturday and Sunday. Temps were in the 40s most of the daylight hours.

Saturday morning the rain required us to drive to breakfast. We drove to Nonna'a in Ada. This is a small Euro style cafe. We both had their oatmeal with toast. It was very good but pricey. They have a liquor permit so we might come some nice warm day and sit outside.

As soon as we got home I grabbed my backpack and drove to the Y. My double vision is gone so driving is easy. The Y has a nice .2 mile walking track. I walked two miles. My Apple Watch "indoor walk" function does not work well inside.

Saturday afternoon we attended a memorial service for an old neighbor at Grace Episcopal. Tom Pritz passed last week, he was 92 years old. It is sad but the only time we get to see old friends is at a funeral. Our old neighbors the Hess's, Kirkwood's, Ruth Molenaar and John Mitchell were in attendance.

We had a chance to meet all of Tom Pritz's children and grandchildren. Tom would be very proud of his family. Eric Pritz lives in Ithaca, NY and his son attends Cornell. He is about 6' 7" and is on Cornell's crew team. Tom Jr lives in Cedar Rapids, IA and Mary Ann lives in the Detroit area. The oldest Polly lives in Florida. A great family.

A nice feature of the service was a bagpiper. I told Nancy I want a bagpiper at my funeral and he must play Amazing Grace.

Light dinner: we watched some BB and the news. We watched Quantico on Netflix. It is a piece of politically correct garbage. It is so far removed from real world that I am surprised it survived a season. I gave it a F.


Today we attended the 0900 Celebration Service at Trinity Lutheran. No swimming at the Y. I like the informal Celebration Services. They have two each Sunday at 0900 and 1000. Traditional services are at 0800 and 1100.

We bought supplies and gas at Meijer's. It was raining but not hard when we got home. I put on my rain suit and took a two mile walk. Light lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap.

Spend time in the office checking finances and cleaning up my IN basket. I also called my Sister, Helen, asking her advise. Helen had cataract surgery in both eyes. She had one eye fixed for distance and the other for reading. She recommended I get both eyes for distance. I tend to agree.

Nancy is fixing a Steak and Stout Pie from Traders Joe's for dinner. Love these pies.

Will finish reading the GRP and will watch 60 Minutes before turning in.

Quick update on Grandkids.

Steve and Veronica kids: Lucas had the lead role in a school play , his sister Alessandra is on a Cheer Team that recently placed first.

Melissa' daughter Akerke was named Student of the Month at her school.

Everything is up to date in California.

Think Spring!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Friday March 24, 2017

Blog time: 1810 sitting at kitchen table

Busy day for Bob and Nancy. We drove to Panera for breakfast. After breakfast we stopped at home picked up Ms P and headed to IKEA near Detroit.

It was a good day for a drive. Cloudy so we did not have to contend with the sun.

As mentioned yesterday my double vision is gone. I can see clearly out of my left eye. This is the eye that had the surgery. I use the right eye for up up close work including reading.

We both like to visit IKEA . I especially like the mock up of small living areas. I keep thinking we will rent a very small apartment in CA. I think that I could live in a 600 square ft apartment. They had a great 600 sf display.

We bought several small items. Also bought hot dogs for lunch.

On the way home we stopped at a discount mall. Bought boxer briefs at the Jockey store.

We got home about 1630. Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

Nancy fixed Tamales and beans and rice for dinner.

Will watch the news and then some Netflix.

The temp reached 70 today but will drop to mid 30s tonight with rain. High temps in 50s for next week. No frost. Saw some folks sitting on their decks enjoying the warmth.

Noted on recent cold mornings the number of women with no socks. Brr!! It has to be 80 before I go sockless.

The only exercise I have been doing is walking. I have managed to get 10k steps in. I have also been able to get my 30 minutes outside.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday March 23, 2017

Blog time: 1000 at Panera

First thing this morning I had to reset most clocks because of our power outage last night. It was cold this morning, low 20s. I checked the long range forecast and the low temp for the next week will be above 32. Maybe this morning will be our last below freezing temp until fall. I hope so.

Nancy went swimming this morning. I had breakfast and walked to Panera.

The only story in the London papers dealt with the terror attack yesterday in London. I really don't know how you can control these lone wolf attacks.

The GOP is having a hard time getting discipline in their ranks. Will they end up being the do nothing party?

My double vision still has not returned. This morning I checked my old eyeglasses and found a pair of sun glasses. I had these glasses made when I wore a contact only in my left eye. I used the natural right eye for reading. Exactly the condition I have today. The sun glasses have a clear left eye and a distance glass in the right eye. Great for driving.

This afternoon Nancy and I drove to Ada to pick up my bike. Nancy does not like me to drive.

After we picked up the bike we drove to Sam's Club. We bought Pinconning cheese and peanut butter. Peanut Butter is slightly cheaper at Sam's Club vs Costco.

Lunch and then a short walk.

In several minutes we are heading out for dinner. We will pick up Kathi Kothe and head to the Matchbox. The Matchbox is a new restaurant located on Lake Drive at the old Brandywine. We have eaten there before and it was good.

Food and wine at the Matchbox is still good. It is our new favorite restaurant. I had their white fish with mashed potatoes. Both Nancy and Kathi had soup with an appetizer,

We watched another episode of Midsomer Murders. Actually Nancy watched because I slept through the whole 90 minute show.

Wednesday March 22, 2017

Blog time 1035 at Panera:

Busy morning scheduled for today. Got up at 0630, it was clear but the temp was 19, heading for a high of only 37.

Performed some chores this morning that I usually do later in the day. Emptied dishwasher, took out recycles and trash. I had a 0830 appointment with the eye doctor. Nancy insisted that she drive. Today they took the eye patch off and checked my vision. My left eye has nearly 20/20 vision and it should improve as the eye heals.

I still take eye drops four times a day for the next week. Also must wear a patch at night so I don't rub eye. I can walk but no calisthenics for a week. I have a follow up appointment next Wednesday. The Doctor will schedule surgery for my right eye at this time.

Presently my double vision is gone. I don't know if it will return but I am staying positive.

Checked my email, read the Alpena News and London papers.

Gibraltar is a UK colony and its status is shaky since BRexit.

Articles in London papers quoted SofS Tillerson as saying he did not want the job but his wife said it was his duty. Good advise. One of the sane folks in the administration.

I always thought Greenwich Mean Time was the world standard for time. In military time is was called Zulu and all correspondence gave the GMT or Zulu time. Surprise on Mar 26 the UK will switch to DST. Will this confuse world clocks?

London papers also reported on a former Trump advisor, Manafort, being paid by a Russian mogul for advise on how to deal with EU and USA companies. The contract was in the early 2000s. Manafort was fired by Trump early in his campaign.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I did a load of laundry and took a short nap. Ms P still recovering from her hip injury and cannot walk.

At 1630 our power went out. We contacted Consumers and was told power would not be back on until early tomorrow morning.

Our neighbor Sonya stopped by to use our cell phone to call her kids. Our landlines were not working. We offered Sonya a glass of wine and she accepted. We visited for several hours. Sonya like Nancy is a graduate of Albion. Sonya graduated in 1954.

We had a late dinner. With DST it does not get dark until 2000. We had enough daylight to eat.

We put an extra blanket on the bed and at 2030 turned in. We were lucky both our iPads were fully charged.

Just like the Power Company said the power came on at 0130. It was cold outside, 25, and I immediately turned on my electric blanket. Love my electric blanket.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday March 21, 2017

Blog time: 1710 sitting in office.

Temps were slightly above freezing when Bob and Nancy left this morning at 0715.

We stopped at Panera so Nancy could get a coffee. She will need it because she will be sitting in the waiting room while I have my cataract surgery.

The Eye Center runs like a well oiled machine. The place was packed when we arrived at 0800.

I checked in, paid my copay and then got out the iPad and read some papers. Nancy also had her iPad.

Twenty minutes after arrival I was taken to the prep room. They wired me up and briefed me on the procedure. They did not put me completely under. I could hear background noise.

I was wheeled into the operating room and eight minutes later they were done. Yes folks eight minutes. The cataract in the left eye is gone and I now have a new lens that should give me 20/20 vision.

They put a metal eye patch over my left eye. The patch has small holes in it so I have limited vision. The patch comes off tomorrow morning. The patch is necessary so I don't rub my eye. No exercises for five days. However, I can walk all I want which is good.

I took it easy at home all day. I did read the papers and took a short nap.

Last night I watched some of the FBI Director's testimony before congress. The questioning was so partisan that I was embarrassed. Both sides should be ashamed. The citizens deserve better. The confirmation hearing of the Supreme nominee was not much better.

Growing up I did not notice the nastiness of politicians. I knew the Dems and GOP had differences but they seemed civil. My theory on why they got along is because they all shared a common bond, MILITARY SERVICE. Today's politicians have never served and have contact only with their homogeneous districts. For a greater USA, bring back the draft. The military is a great mixing bowl.

Nancy is fixing soup for tonight. I will also have fruit and a baguette. Doc says no wine until tomorrow.

We had sunshine all day with high temp of 45. Temps will get down to low 20s tonight but sunny with high 30s tomorrow. I can live with that. Today I did not get my 30 minutes but I have an excused absence.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday March 20, 2017

Blog time: 1115 at Panera

It is official. Today is the first day of Spring. Checked my world clock of cities around the world and they all have 12 hours of daylight. I think most folks call this the Spring Equinox.

We had a big electrical storm roll through last night. The weather app on my iPhone kept sending alarms about lighting within five miles. The alarm kept waking us. I will disconnect today.

Nancy is attending her first exercise class in about a month at MVP this morning. Later she is having some extensive dental work done.

After breakfast I got out the bike and headed to the Y. The temperature was 38 with little wind. Usually the Y is crowded on Mondays but today was the exception.

Today will be my last day for calisthenics for about two weeks. No exercise allowed after cataract surgery.

Checked the Alpena and London papers but not much to report on.

The Philippines President has called all European lawmakers who have criticized him "crazies". So what is new. He called President Obama the "son of a whore". He and President Trump probably went to the same charm school.

I am having second thoughts about turning off the weather app. Despite the annoyance of an alarm for a thunder storm I want an alarm for a tornado so we can get to the basement.

Checked Peggy Noonan's column in Saturday's WSJ. She is right on. POTUS and the GOP are wasting valuable time and political capital by trying to undo the ACA. It is too complicated. Spend time on infrastructure improvements and getting folks back to work.

Biked home and then loaded the bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike. I am getting the winter tires removed and a tuneup.

Lunch and then cleaned my office. I moved all my family history files into the office. Since I will be home bound I plan on doing some updating.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk. Last month I asked the Grandkids a question. AJ was the only one who replied so I mailed her prize.

Shaved, showered and laid out clothes for tomorrow. My surgery starts at 0800.

We had a light dinner and now are watching new "Midsomer Murders".

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday March 19, 2017

Weekend Update: 1800 sitting in living room

Busy weekend for Bob and Nancy.

It was misting Saturday morning when we got up and drove to Panera for Breakfast. We had the usual oatmeal, bagel, banana, toast and coffee.

After breakfast we stopped at home picked up Ms P and headed to Saugatuck. The antique mall in Saugatuck is having their St Patrick's Day sale. This is our first visit to this mall. We were impressed. The mall was large, well lit and organized. We purchased several small items.

At home took a walk and a short nap. At 1700 we headed to Moleski's for dinner. Tim Mask was also in attendance. It was an enjoyable evening.

As soon we arrived home we got a FaceTime call from Debbie. We spent some time catching up.

Great to see UW upset Villanova. UM and MSU play tomorrow.

No TV or newspapers today.

Ms P injured her left rear leg today. We have her on pain pills.


Up at 0630 to get ready for our return to the Y.

Today I started taking eye drops, four per day, as a pre op measure.

Nancy went swimming and I did my calisthenics at 50%. We returned home and then headed out to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 service.

First top after church was Fresh Thyme to purchase several loafs of Irish Soda Bread. Love this bread.

Next we stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas. Gas today was $2.33.

Took a two mile walk before my afternoon nap.

After nap took a six mile bike ride. The sun was out and temp was 50. Great spring day.

How about the UM.

Dinner tonight was Shepard's Pie with fruit and soda bread.

We are now watching the end of the MSU/KU game.

60 Minutes and then if time permits some Netflix.

Friday March 17, 2017

Blog time 0920 at Panera:

Happy St Patrick's Day. I could find no green shirts so I wore my Irish woolen sweater that I bought in Ireland last year. Love Irish woolen clothes.

Today is also the birthday of my Great Grandfather Sanborn whose 1938 diary I report on periodically. GGF Sanborn was born in 1856.

This morning the temp was 30 and overcast. Snow predicted for later today.

I did my exercise routine at 80% this morning with no aerobics. I have a pre surgery physical at 1100 today. Nancy is picking me up at 1020 and driving me to the Doctors.

Speaking of my upcoming cataract surgery as I was walking to Panera my cell went off and it was the Doctor's office. They told my what my share of the cost would be and wanted me to pay for it before surgery.

Made a quick read of the papers this morning.

President is having a meeting this morning with German Chancellor Merkel. I think Chancellor Merkel is a very competent leader and I hope the President makes an effort to get along.

Of course POTUS claims that he and the Chancellor have something in common. They were both wire tapped by President Obama. Give it a break POTUS.

Both Chancellor Merkel and the French leader have told Turkish leader Erdogan to stop the name calling. I agree.

Nancy picked me up at 1020 and we headed to Dr Kutsche's office. Nancy dropped me off and headed to St Mary's Lab to get some blood work done.

The physical was painless. A little poking and prodding plus an EKG. I think I passed.

After the Doctor's visit we headed to Staples. I purchased a stylus/ball point.

Since 1030 we have had a light snow/rain mix. After lunch I walked over to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. I also bought a bottle of Red Breast Irish Single Pot Whiskey.

For dinner had a steak and ale pie. Good meal for St Patrick's Day.

Emailed several high school classmates who attended a special St Patrick's Day party in 1956. Jerry Kendziorski, class president, had a party at his house for about six guys. His mother bought us some green beer. We also had bologna sandwiches. Green bologna on green bread. This was the first time a parent had let us drink in their home. We were good and did not overindulge.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Thursday March 16, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera:

Temperatures dropped to mid teens last night. However, for the first time in ages we had no wind. In fact wind speed was listed as 0.

Nancy headed out early for a swim at MVP. After the swim she is having brunch with Kathi Kothe.

I did my exercise routine at home. Today I set a PB for a 10 minute row. However, I forgot to push start on my watch's row option. Bummer.

I got a call from the jeweler yesterday that he had just received a call from Rolex. They no longer make parts for my 50 year old watch. Another Bummer.

Nancy subscribes to Vanity Fair so we get their daily email blog called "The Hive". It is the epitome of nastiness. Their anti-Trump rants are an insult to journalism.

The Dutch election shows that cool heads prevail. I hope this holds true for the other elections in Europe this year.

The threat of a nuclear war must be strong in England. Read an article on how to survive an attack. In the late 50s I attended a class on "sheltered design". This design was to protect occupants of buildings from radiation. I became certified in Shelter Design.

President Trump is a big fan of President Andrew Jackson. Jackson was a populist but also a racist. He was responsible for moving Native Americans out of the south.

The Robins have been in hiding during our recent cold snap. I hear them but cannot see them. I think they keep warm in dense foliage. Are Robins carnivorous? I never see them at a bird feeder.

After Panera walked to Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

Took Ms P on our nature walk and she enjoyed the longer walk. I think her back problem has finally healed.

Spent the afternoon ironing pants, getting our tax info together and rearranging my desk. Nancy and I decided to continue to use Jerry Dykema's old firm to do our taxes.

We had dinner at Shepard's Grill. I had a fried perch sandwich and Nancy had their soup of the day. I really like Shepard's Grill it has a neighborhood feel. Nancy is lukewarm.

At home we watched two episodes of "Last Tango In Halifax" on Netflix. Nancy liked it and I gave it an ok.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wednesday March 15, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

Beware of the Ides of March. Everyone has heard this statement, usually after reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in high school English.

Today at BC we got an Ides warning. The rent for the BC is doubling as is the cost of food. The cost increase is unacceptable to members. A committee has done a search of available places to hold our meetings. The first choice is a long distance from the condo. I think most of the folks at my table would give up their membership. Big vote at next meeting.

It was cold this morning, 16, but the sun is now out.

Bob and Nancy have a busy day. I had BC and Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. This evening we are going to a Lenten soup dinner at Trinity. We are also on the cleanup committee.

Not much in the London papers this morning. Scotland is having second thoughts about leaving the UK. It seems the EU has said Scotland will go to the back of the line.

President Trump's 2005 tax return was obtained. According to The Telegraph, MSNBC reported on the return on the Rachel Maddow show. The big question did MSNBC's reporting on the return break the law. Was the return obtained illegally or did POTUS leak it?

I stopped by the Apple Store to see if they had a stylus/pen for use on my iPad. They did not.

Stopped at FedEx/Kinko to get a copy run of a document I purchased in Ireland about the Hughes family. I can not copy it at home because it is too large. Kinko refused to copy it because it was copyrighted. I guess I will have to do a cut and paste job at home. I wanted to send a copy to my 2nd Cousin Mary Hughes. She has a big interest in the Hughes family.

Next stop was the Ford dealer to see if I could get a hitch installed on the Escape. They said yes. I need the hitch for my bike carrier.

At Gazelle I wanted to buy an ice breaker long sleeve shirt. These shirts are 100% wool and very warm and comfortable. No luck.

Tried to take Ms P on a short walk but she was reluctant so I headed out on a two mile walk. The wind made walking uncomfortable.

The soups at the Lenten dinner were many and varied. I sampled several. Nancy and I were on the cleanup crew. After cleanup we attended the short Lenten service.

At home we watched Major Crimes on TNT.

Temps will get down to mid teens tonight. Warm up starts tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday March 14, 2017

Blog time 1020 at Panera

The folks on CNBC wished listeners a Happy Pi Day. It took me awhile to figure that today 3.14 was a reference to the math Pi, 3.1459265.

It was cold this morning. Temperature was 17 with a wind chill in single digits. Brrr.

Nancy for the first time in several weeks went swimming this morning. She was glad to get back in the exercise routine.

Because it was so cold I did all my exercise routine at home.

After breakfast walked to Panera. London papers this morning reported that in Australia all children must be vaccinated before attending school. Good move.

From the "can this be true file", the Canadian Girl Guides are cancelling all trips to camps in the USA because they fear that some girls won't be let back into Canada.

Alpena High travels to Sault Canada to play many sports. Will student athletes be impacted. Stupid, enough POTUS.

The UKs NHS (national health service) has been getting a lot of negative press. Poor service, long waits for hip surgery and the rationing of health care to elderly patients are some of the complaints.

The U.K has now got all the approvals it needs to start the clock running on their exit from the EU. Watched PM May meeting with legislators in an open session. It was fun to watch. All the hooting and hollering.

I have watched William Ackman the hedge fund guy on TV. He comes across as very arrogant. I am sure not many folks are feeling sorry for him as a took a major league hit on Valeant.

Intel is getting into smart cars. Will I be able to purchase a smart in my lifetime?

Today's headline in GRP says Meijer's will employ 10,000 folks to pick out and delivery groceries or any item in their stores. Remember the saying "What goes around comes around". As a boy we had home deliveries of milk, groceries and meat.

A Direct TV Tech came this afternoon and moved a TV into our living room. He also upgraded our dish.

I did a load of laundry and now will mail another form to the Cataract surgeon. What ever happened to the paperless society?

Spend some time talking to Jennifer Dougherty. Great catching up.

Nancy is fixing chicken for dinner tonight. It was great.

Read the GRP and we are now watching NCIS. Low tonight 10 and the temps will stay below freezing until Thursday.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday March 13, 2017

Blog time 1111 at Panera

It started snowing early this morning. First time out this morning noted about 1.5" of white stuff on the ground.

No bike today because of the snow and it is still dark at 0800. Thanks DST.

It was snowing when I walked to the Y. Luckily not much wind. The walks had not yet been plowed so the walk took some effort.

Calisthenics and then a 10' row at the Y. I think I have already commented on the nice new rowing machines at the Y.

Checked the Alpena News and London papers. I think these folks are taking a winter break.

The GOP is having a hard time fixing the ACA. They are even fighting among themselves. Not a good sign.

I really wish they would forget ACA for awhile and concentrate on getting the economy running and fixing the tax code. This morning on CNBC they had Ken Langone one of the founders of Home Depot on. He gave a reasoned explanation on why the Border tax would be good. He convinced me.

POTUS should also forget about the wall along the Mexican border.

It was still snowing when I left Panera. I put an eye patch over my left eye because I was walking into the wind. The patch helps.

Nancy had lunch at the Omelette Shop today. This is the monthly get together of the Blodgett Gift volunteers.

We made a quick trip to Costco. Nancy picked up a prescription and I bought wine and dried plums. Prunes if you are over 50.

I called Direct TV and scheduled a repairman. He is coming tomorrow.

We received more 1099s in today's mail. Tomorrow I will assemble all the data for our tax preparer.

It is now 1700 and will finish the afternoon with a walk around the block. Stay tuned.

It was still snowing when I headed out for my walk. Roads were plowed but not sidewalks.

Light dinner and then some TV news. We watched an episode of The Pinkerton on Netflix. The show was rated at 4 stars but Nancy and I gave it a 1. Bad show!

Two more days of below freezing temps and then back to normal. Normal high temps are in the 40s.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sunday March 12, 2017

Blog time 1645 sitting at dining room table.

How about UM BB, they just won the Big Ten Tournament. I think it is their first time winning this event. No Big Ten tourney when I attended. In fact the Big Ten had only ten teams. UM BB usually was just slightly above 50%.

DST started but no problems getting up or getting to Church. Small crowd at the 0900 Celebration service, maybe some folks did get confused by the start of DST.

We stopped at Meijer's for supplies including gas. Also stopped at Panera for coffee.

I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk today. Her longest walk since her back injury. No problems.

Sunny and cold today. Temp was in high teens when we left and reached a high of 28. No wind so walking was pleasant. Snow predicted for tonight.

Checked Apple News and London papers. Preet Bharara the US Attorney in NY is whining because he was fired. Good grief nearly all US Attorneys are fired when we get a new President. After all they are political appointments.

Francois Fillion a candidate for PM in France can not stay out of the news. First he gives his wife a well paying job requiring little work and now it is reported that he has received 50,000 euros worth of suits from a benefactor. Politically I am on the same wavelength as Mr Fillion. Once again the benefits of a free press are shown.

I did take a short nap followed by a 2.5 mile walk.

Nancy is fixing chili for dinner tonight. It smells good. I will eat my chili with a fresh baguette.

After dinner we will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes.

Saturday March 11, 2017

Blog time 1055 sitting in Cascade Library:

Bright sun when went out this morning but was it cold, mid teens, with wind chill in single digits.

We drove to Panera and had our standard Saturday breakfast. Panera was not crowded most folks have been told to not return from sunny climes until it warms up.

Nancy is doing the laundry. I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Library.

President Erdogan of Turkey is back in news with his comment about Dutch being Nazi remnants. Apparently the Dutch government would not allow the Turkish Foreign minister permission to attend a rally. The rally was for Dutch citizens who also are citizens of Turkey. These citizens can vote in the upcoming Turkish election and Erdogan needs their vote.

The British National Health service again made the news. The Service is so backed up that surgery to replace a hip or knee is only being done on those in pain. In the US this surgery is done with just a short waiting period for all comers.

I took the long route home. I think walking is my favorite year round activity.

Quick lunch and then printed out some 1099 forms for taxes. Walked over to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. I have to use eye drops before and after my cataract surgery.

We had chicken noodle soup for dinner. Great cold day fare.

We watched a 90 minute mystery on Acorn last night. It was good.

How about the UM BB team.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday March 10, 2017

Blog time: 1045 at Panera

Winter has returned with a vengeance. Temps in low 20s last night but with winds around 20 mph the wind chill is in single digits. I think I have become obsessed with wind chill. My Grandfather Scott owned lumber camps in northern Minnesota during the early 1900s. He never allowed a thermometer in the camps. His reasoning was that the lumberjack would not work if it was too cold. Good strategy Grandfather.

No bike today and with wind chills I did not want the long walk to the Y. I did my entire routine at home. I left for Panera in bright sunshine. To prevent my left eye getting too cold I wore an eyepatch. It seemed to work.

Nancy has a busy day today. She will visited the foot doctor and hopes he will declare the broken bone has healed. If healed she can take off the miserable boot. She also has an appointment with our GP to renew her blood pressure medicine.

Speaking of medicine today I increased my dosage of steroids. I hope this works because it has been over a month and my double vision has not improved.

Tonight Nancy and I will celebrate the removal of the boot by dining out at a nice restaurant.

The London papers did not have much hard news but were heavy in low brow stories. Wife cuts off husband's penis, parakeet attacks lizard and python swallows deer. Washing machines in India have a curry button to get rid of stains. All the news that is fit to print.

The USA is in a pickle on which side to back in battle for Raqqa, Syria. Do we go with the Turks or Kurds they both are allies.

The money folks are worried because we have a glut of oil. From a consumers point of view what is bad about cheap oil and gas?

I had the wind at my back on the walk home. It was still cold.

Nancy was still wearing her boot. The Doctor said she has to ween herself off the boot. One hour off today, two hours tomorrow, etc.

Nancy left at 1300 for the appointment with our GP. She checked out ok.

I spent several hours printing out 1099 tax forms. I had to call Wells Fargo and have them walk me through the procedure for getting these forms. I finally was able to print.

As soon as Nancy got home we headed out to Trader Joe's. Purchased wine, tamales, flowers, chips and yogurt.

Tonight we are heading out to Brann's for a soup and sandwich.

Today we have 11h 42' of daylight. Right now, 1700, we have bright sun but the high winds have dropped the wind chill to single digits.

How about the UM BB team, overtime victory over Purdue.

Tonight we will watch Murder in Suburbia on Acorn.
Missy texted me and said she has been selected for jury duty. First family member to make it to trial.

Thursday March 9, 2017

Blog time: 1210 at Panera

Got a late start today, so I hustled through the at home stuff and did not head out until 0900.

The wind had subsided this morning. Every one was busy putting out their trash cans. The cans were kept inside because of the high winds.

Temps in the low 30s when I headed out. I am still trying to figure out my biking wardrobe on these cool mornings. Yesterday's high winds left a lot of flotsam across the bike path. I had to dismount to get around a tree and later in the ride to avoid a downed electric line. Cleanup will probably take several days.

On these cold mornings when riding into the wind my left eye experiences pain. I think tomorrow I will experiment with wearing an eye patch to protect the eye.

The London papers recently been reporting on the failures of the UK's socialized medicine program. Very long waits to get in to see a GP is a major complaint. When reading or hearing about medical care overseas, including Canada, our system does not seem so bad. Making changes to the ACA to make it less complicated and more user friendly is important. I strongly believe everyone should have health insurance including healthy folks.

The Telegraph had an article on the proposed appointment of Jon Huntsman to be ambassador to Russia. I think this would be a good choice. I voted for Huntsman when he ran for President.

The political kickbacks that a Brazilian Contractor paid to Latin American Politicians is exposing corruption throughout South America. It seems all politicians are on the take.

Is North Korea a threat? They seem to be antagonistic to all their neighbors.

Turkey has a large number of its citizens living in Germany. They hold dual citizenship and are eligible to vote in the upcoming Turkish election. Several German cities object to the rallies the Turks are proposing. Turkey's President Erdogan has called the Germans Nazis which is not going over well in Germany. President Erdogan is acting like a dictator.

Quick lunch and then we get in the Taurus and run some errands. Stopped at the CU so Nancy could make a deposit. We purchased gas at Meijer's for the Taurus.

Took Ms P on a short walk and then continued walking solo. Total miles walked 2.9 miles.

Started assembling tax information. Called my GP to make an appointment. I have to have a pre operation physical before the cataract surgery. Seems like a make work project for GPs.

Light dinner and then we watched a Canadian mystery on Acorn. The mystery was filmed in a rural community in Quebec during the height of the fall colors. Scenery was speculated.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tuesday March 7, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera:

We had thunder storms roll through last night. The temp was 57 when I first went out this morning. Wind speeds were 26 mph. Just checked, 1200, and found the temp had dropped to 44.

As I mentioned previously I am now on my Summer schedule. More bike miles and no mile run. I think biking is easier on the joints.

As soon as I got settled at Panera got a call from the cataract Surgeon's office. I will have my left eye done on March 21 and the right eye on April 4.

Read the London papers this morning, several interesting articles.

Homes in the UK are more expensive when near good schools. Duh!

I have talked about POTUS keeping his promise and deport bad immigrants. I want the Canadian geese deported to Canada.

Cambridge University in England also has a bad Canadian geese problems and they want to cull their flocks. The students are in an uproar because Geese have feelings too. They are protesting the removal of any geese. The administration should shoot the geese and serve them in University cafeteria.

Speaking of culled animals, in the 50s strawberry farmers in Alpena were given permission to shoot the deer eating the young strawberry plants. The deer were turned over to the school cafeteria. We had venison for weeks. Very tasty.

I have watched the TV show Madame Secretary several times. I really think it is bad. Read where the Philippine Government has protested this week's episode because it is based on a fictional President who resembles the current President. I don't blame the Philippines for their outrage. CBS should cancel the show. I hope in real life we never have a Secretary of State as sanctimonious as the one played in this stupid show.

Good Opinion piece in today's WSJ noting the success children of immigrants are having in science and other contests. Bottom line immigration is good for the country.

GM has finally sold it Opel brand. We owned an Opel station wagon in the 60s. It was a great car.

I am gradually increasing Ms P's walk. Today we did 1 mile.

Walked to Macatawa to make a deposit. The wind was fierce. In fact we have a High Wind Advisory up until 1900 tomorrow.

Tonight will read the GRP and watch NCIS and Bull. Last night we watched several good shows on Netflix, Nancy is fixing a lamb chop for dinner.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday March 6, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera:

Good grief it was 50 degrees this morning. I did not know how to dress for my bike ride to the Y. I overdressed and was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y.

I have selected a bike route that has several large hills. My thinking is that if I can elevate my heart rate on the bike I don't need the mile run. Checked my pulse on the ride and it was elevated enough for me, so no mile run. My new warm weather routine.

Checked the London papers and of course they are fascinated by the machinations of our POTUS. Most of us old folks are just embarrassed. Cool it POTUS.

The elections in France are getting a lot of coverage. In fact last night 60 Minutes had a segment on the upcoming election.

Sign that times have changed even in proper England. A picture in the Daily Mail showed PM May leaving church. She was wearing her Burberry and jeans.

Ms P continues to improve. We took a short walk this afternoon.

This afternoon Nancy drove me to the Cataract Surgeons office for an evaluation. The evaluation took 2.5 hours. Many folks looked at my eyes. Bottom line: I will have cataract surgery in both eyes. First the left eye and then two week later the right eye.

Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

Light dinner and then we watched a Netflix show.

It was 57 degrees and raining when we turned in at 2200.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday March 5, 2017

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room sipping tonic water.

We all rolled out of bed before 0700. Temps were below freezing but expected to get up to 50.

I had a quick breakfast before we headed out to the 0900 service at Trinity Lutheran.

My how things have changed. Young Pastor Dan today said he is organizing a NCAA BB tournament pool. Yes folks gambling in a Protestant church. In 1962 while stationed on Midway Island the Navy Catholic Chaplin organized a sports pool. It was well received. The Sailors would put in a dollar. With over 2,000 Sailors participating some of the prizes were substantial. It was a great morale booster. Being stationed on a small island with no girls for a year the Sailors needed a booster.

The Protestant Chaplain in his Sunday sermon blasted the sports pool as sinful gambling. Needless to say the Catholic Chaplains were liked by all Sailors.

After the service we headed to Meijer's for supplies and gas for the Escape.

At home took a two mile walk. Quick lunch and then nap.

We decided that Ms P was well enough to take a short walk. A short walk is 0.75 miles.

I finished my outdoor activity with an eight mile bike ride.

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner tonight. Will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes. I hope we watch another episode of Paranoia on Netflix. I am hooked.

Saturday March 4, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera:

As predicted the temps fell to mid teens last night. We left home at 0800 in bright sun. Today had breakfast at a new Coney Island restaurant on 28th Street. Nancy had heard that they had a good breakfast. They were right.

I had eggs, hash brown, sausage and toast. Nancy had their pancake breakfast. A good basic breakfast at a reasonable price. Their weekday specials are even cheaper. I am sure they get a lot of snow plow drivers and repair men for this menu. Oatmeal is not something you would order at this type of restaurant.

After breakfast we headed to Trader Joe's. We bought flowers, wine and a baguette. Trader Joe's has been open about a year and seems to have thrived.

Read the London papers but they recycled stories reported on earlier in the week. My Mother always said that the Saturday papers did not have interesting stories because the papers were saving them for the big Sunday paper.

Speaking of my Mother today is her birthday. Margaret Louise Hughes was born March 4, 1907. She would have been 110 years old today. Mother graduated from Alpena High in 1924 and UM in 1928. She and Dad, Robert Sanborn Scott, were married in 1936. I have great memories of Mother. Did you know that in 1936 married women could teach?

At home Nancy started the laundry and I grabbed my iPad and headed to Panera. I like Panera because it is warm and bright.

Today's WSJ:
EFT funds are booming because they provide good results and have low fees. Brokers and mutual funds take it in the ear.

The PM of South Africa is proposing that all white farms be seized with no compensation. SA has an election coming up and this looks like standard election ploy. The memory of Nelson Mandela must have faded. I think Mandela was a great leader because when assuming power he united SA and made peace with the oppressive minority. This is a sign of a great leader.

China is finally letting failed firms go bankrupt. Bankruptcy is necessary in a market economy.

Took a long route home. Lunch and then spent several hours doing chores around the house.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk. Nancy fixed beef/potato soup for dinner. I had mine with a baguette.

We watched two episodes of Paranoia before turning in.

A sure sign Spring has arrived. I see large flocks of Robins.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Friday March 3, 2017

Blog time 1030 at Panera

It was 17 degrees when I went out early this morning. My weather app said wind chills were in single digits. Much too cold to walk to Y.

Performed exercise routine at home including row. Today I set a PB for the 10 minute row.

Shaved, showered and then had quick breakfast. Left home about 0915 in bright sun but temps still in teens.

London papers this morning reported that by 2050 the UK will have a larger population that Germany and France. In addition to the problems of exiting the EU, England must still work to keep Scotland in the UK. What is the matter with Scotland. How can a country of only 5.3 million folks compete, especially since their North Sea oil output is declining. Michigan has more people.

The Daily Mail this morning ran a series of old photos from India. The photos were taken in the 1860s when India was under British colonial rule. Great Photos. The Daily Mail periodically runs old photos from their archives. Very interesting.

Also because they are the Daily Mail they ran a story of a man in Thailand having sex with a cow. Only in England does this story make front page.

Russia, Russia, Russia this country cannot keep out of the news. The AG talks to the Russian Ambassador as does the President Trump's son. I really doubt that contacts with the Russians influenced the US Elections. Most folks who voted probably know nothing of Russia or its politics.

This afternoon Nancy and I attended the GR Home and Garden Show. Many folks in attendance, they probably had cabin fever. I like visiting this show because I expect to win the lottery. When this happens I will buy a cottage on Lake Huron. I have some ideas for a vacation home.

We stopped at Reserve Wine Restaurant for a glass of wine and cheese plate. We did this last year. However, we waited about 20 minutes to get waited on so we walked out.

At home I took a two mile walk. Since Ms P cannot walk for a week I find that my time for a mile is 19 minutes.

For dinner tonight we went to JT"s Pizza. We split a medium ham and pineapple with one piece left over. Good grief two years ago I could eat a whole medium pizza and then steal a piece from Nancy's.

Yesterday I reported on Costco doing ok. I had heard this news on CNBC. Today my Sister, Helen, called and said that she heard Costco is raising their annual membership fees because of poor sales. An article in today's WSJ confirmed my Sister.

We watched an episode of Rebus on Acorn. The show is filmed in Edinburgh. We have a hard time understanding the Scottish brogue. I can't figure out how to get closed captions on Acorn.

Another cold night ahead for us. Temps will be in mid teens. Channel 8 said we will not see another night as cold as this until November. I can live with that.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday March 2, 2017

Blog time: 1045 at Panera

We had snow and high winds roll through last night. I went out about 2200 and found that our trash can had blown over and was moving down the street. I rescued it and moved it to a safe location. Temps were in the low 20s this morning. A thin sheet of ice over the walk. I got out the salt for the first time in 2017.

Because of the cold temps and high wind, 15 mph, I did my exercise routine at home. Showered, breakfast and then a slow walk to Panera. A thin layer of ice was over the sidewalks making me walk on the grass.

I think the London papers are tired of reporting on the USA political scene.

The morning business shows were all abuzz about Snap's IPO this morning. I don't even know what Snap does. I think it is an app. Is the word app in the dictionary?

I still don't understand "Net Neutrality".

Elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands this year could have a major impact on EU. The populist movements are not unlike those in USA. I still I have commented on this before. Repeating is boring.

It was still cold and windy when I left Panera but the sun had melted the ice off the sidewalks. Walking was easy.

At home we all piled in the Escape and headed to Costco. We replenished our supply of peanut butter, sandwich rolls, and fiber. Gas was $2.29 per gallon. Today's WSJ had an article on how Costco seems to be bucking the trend in reduced sales at other retailers. Costco is thriving.

We also stopped at the Chow Hound to buy some dry dog food. I bought a bag of corn on the cob to feed the deer. I noted a lot of deer prints in the snow this morning.

After lunch I did a load of laundry and then took a two mile walk. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

Light dinner tonight and then will read the GRP and watch the news. We recorded an episode of Major Crimes and will watch that this evening. The cold will continue through tomorrow.

Wednesday March 1, 2017

Blog time 2120 sitting in den

The weather folks consider March 1 the start of Spring. It was spring like when I headed out to breakfast club this morning. The temperature was 51. It is now 2130 and the temp has dropped to 27 degrees with high winds and snow.

Today was breakfast club Wednesday. Small turnout for a good program. Today a company that provides horses as therapy for kids with serious emotional problems.

After BC I head to Breton Village. I have a quick coffee at Starbucks waiting for Orvis to open. Today I ordered a pair of khakis.

Stopped at the Y for modified calisthenics and a mile run.

I got a call from the Ocular Neurologist. They want me to continue taking the steroids.

The cataract surgeon's office called and told me to come in on Monday for an evaluation.

As soon as I got home I had a quick lunch. Ms P seems to be getting better. She is able to climb stairs.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. The Butterfly exhibit is in full swing.

At 1400 I drove to my ENT. I wanted him to look at my sinuses. He used his super duper scope and said I have a polyp. He wanted to put me on high dose steroids. I explained that I was taking steroids for my double vision. The ENT doc will call my Ocular Neurologist and come up with a program.

During my conversation with the ENT doctor I explained that I was using a CPAC machine for my sleep Apnea. The Doc asked what my Apnea evaluation showed. I told him I didn't have a clue. Through the miracle of computerized medical records he called up my evaluation. It appears the when I sleep on my side, left or right, I am ok. When I sleep on my back I have mild Apnea. Bottom line if I don't sleep on my back I don''t need the CPAC.

While filling out a form in the ENT's office I inadvertently called my Sister in AZ. Later she called and I explained my adventures with the medical profession.

At home I took a short nap followed by a two mile walk. Light dinner, watched the news and then Acorn.

Finally last night's speech by the President was presidential. All the folks at BC said they were glad he was mellow. I hope cooler heads tell him the Mexican wall is much to expensive and counter productive. Why not just have a beer with the Mexican President and work things out.

I scanned the papers today. Trump's speech and BRexit dominated the London papers.

With a temperature of 51 at 0600 and 27 at 2200, did March come in like a lamb or a lion?