Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday January 31, 2016

1600: January 31, 2016 Weekend Update: Saturday January 30: We followed our new Saturday routine. We walked to the new Panera for breakfast. It was a very mild day with temperature above 32 all day. Not much wind so the walk was pleasant. I had the oatmeal and Nancy has a toasted bagel. Panera was starting to get crowded when we left at 0930. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. It was so mild we added 0.5 miles to the walk. I have never been in the Cascade Library which is about 0.7 miles for the condo. I grabbed my iPad and walked to the library. It is a nice modern library. I found an empty desk and read the WSJ. I also read several recent periodicals. I have found a new reading place. I took a long route home. After lunch I headed downstairs and started getting our tax info ready. No nap today. At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Charlie’s Bar and Grill on Plainfield. We met the Moleski’s, Linda and Tom, for dinner. Tom and I had the smelt basket. Charlie’s is one of the few restaurants that serve smelt. The Moleski’s had just returned from two back to back Caribbean cruises so they filled us in. We got home about 2030. We watched a netflix show. I should say Nancy watched the show because I fell asleep. I need my afternoon nap in order to stay awake at night. Sunday January 31, the last day of the month. At 0655 we got up and headed to the Y for our weekly swim. The Y was having an indoor tri today so Nancy and I shared a lane. We made a quick stop at Meijer’s. Gas today was $1.74. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Nancy is helping her friend Kathi get ready for a show in the Detroit area so she left right after breakfast. Kathi sells purses at the shows. Ms P and I took a long walk today. I wanted to get a walk in before the rain. The weather folks said it would start raining around 1400. They were right. I read the sports page and funnies before taking my Sunday nap. After dinner we watch 60 Minutes and then a netflix show. We will have two more days of warm weather before winter sets in again. January is our coldest month but this year, except for several days, it has been mild. Every winter I enjoy reading my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s diary. Great Grandfather lived in Ossineke, Michigan. The diary I have is for the year of my birth, 1938. He was 82 in January 1938. It keeps me in touch with my roots. On this date GGF wrote that it was very cold in Ossineke with the temperature near zero. GGF worked in the Ossineke Post Office in the afternoon. He sometimes helped his daughter who was the manager of the PO.

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