Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday January 13, 2016

Blog started at 1740: The Arctic freeze continues with temps in the teens and wind chill in single digits. We also have had snow most of the day. Nancy is up early and headed out to MVP to attend a fitness class. This is a busy day for Nancy because she is having Book Club at our place. After MVP, Nancy must come home and prepare scones for the members. Today is my easy Wednesday. I start slowly this morning. Do some chores to help Nancy get ready. Chores included shoveling our walk. The condo association does a poor job clearing snow. After the chores I bundle up and walk to the Y. I do my normal routine at 50%. The walk to Panera from the Y was easy because I had the wind at my back. I read the WSJ and read all the comments about the President’s SOU address. I thought the talk was too long and whiny. Left Panera early because I will have to clear some more snow before Nancy’s guests arrive. I cleared the snow and had a quick lunch. This afternoon I took the Taurus in for an oil change. I walked around the showroom and spotted an Escape that I thought would be a good replacement for the Taurus. Fat chance Nancy would consent to this purchase. After the oil change I headed to the Orvis store to see if they had any new clothing items in. They did not. I walked around Breton Village until 1600 when Book Club is suppose to end. At home Nancy said the scones were a hit and the discussion on the book went well. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV/netflix. Lately I have noticed a lot of deer tracks in the yard. I think they have found some tasty shrubs in the yard. On a sad note I was reading the on-line version of the Alpena News and saw that my second cousin Patrick Hughes had passed. Patrick is the son of my cousin William Hughes. I only met Patrick several times but found him very easy to converse with. He was very knowledgable on the history of the Hughes family. I called my sister, Helen, and told her this news. We both want to wish Patrick’s family our condolences.

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