Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday January 25, 2016

1930: sitting in den writing this blog: Monday morning and it is a typical winter's morning. Temperature is 29 with warming later today. After breakfast I walk to the Y. The Y was very crowded and I could not find an exercise mat. This is the fourth time in a week that the Y ran out of mats. The mats probably cost less than $5 so they should be able to purchase enough to satisfy demand. I filled out a comment card. My Achilles is still acting up so I rowed instead ran. Walked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. The East Coast snow storm dominated the news. Most folks in the Midwest would laugh at the problems the sissy east coast folks have clearing snow. At home I took Ms P on her walk before eating lunch. I have a 1515 dentist appointment. Left early and dropped off some old running shoes at Gazelle Sport. They will recycle the shoes. I had my teeth cleaned and then checked over. I have a cavity on the tooth that anchors my bridge. The Doc thinks he can fill the cavity. If he can't we are talking major bucks for a remedy. Stopped at Ace Hardware on my way home. I bought a LED bulb for an outside light. Also bought 50 pounds of shelled corn to feed the deer. Changed the light bulb and then put out the corn. Needed a plastic can to store the corn so I headed back to Ace and bought a 32 gallon can. We had a light dinner. Watch the news and now at 2000 we will start watching Netflix.

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