Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday January 22, 2016

Sitting in Den watching game shows: time 2000 Temperature in the mid 20s when I left this morning. No wind so the walk to the Y was very pleasant. My pedometer said it is 1.67 miles from the condo to the Y. I think the New Year's Resolution folks have finally given up the ghost. The Y was not very crowded. I did the calisthenics and finished with a 20 minute run. Walked to Panera and read several interesting articles in the WSJ. Everyone is interested in the Flint water crisis. Flint is a civil engineering failure. Nobody followed standard testing protocol. The professionals failed Flint. The life expectancy of folks with Down Syndrone has increased dramatically. Now they are finding that as many as 67% of older Down people are develop Alzheimer's. The medical profession is now studying this group and think it has an opportunity to get valuable data. Nine years after her death the estate of Leona Helmsley is under attack. The executors of her estate have billed the estate $100,000,000. That amounts to about $6,000 per hour. It seems steep as does NY State's AG. Greed prevails. I think Ted Cruz will self destruct. Also did Putin poison all the ex Russian citizens? After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Berger Chevy to get my oil changed. I looked over some SUVs and decided I will keep the Cobalt. Stopped at Gazelle Sport and bought a pair of New Balance running shoes. I took a short nap. For dinner tonight Nancy and I visited JT's Pizza place. JT's is about 0.5 miles from the condo. We each had a nine inch pizza. The place was jammed. It has a nice neighborhood feel. It is now 2058 and we are watching Rosemary and Thyme on Netflix.

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