Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday January 12, 2016

Tuesday 2110 and we are sitting in our den watching President Obama's last SOU address. It is a cold, windy and snowy winter night and we are thankful to sit in a warm comfortable room. Today was a typical January day. We had snow overnight and many schools were closed. The roads were snow covered and slick. Temps were in the teens with wind chill at 0. Tahoe Drive at 0800 had not been plowed so Nancy decided to stay home. I bundled up and walked to the Y. Had to buck a 15 mph headwind and unplowed sidewalks. I did note on my walk that the plows were out and trying to catch up. The Y was not very crowded. I went swimming and the eight lane pool had four lanes in use. I swam 1,000 yards in 30 minutes. I like the Y's new pool. The walk back to Panera was not as bad because I had the wind at my back and the walks had been plowed. The WSJ has written several articles on the problems with young migrant gangs in Germany. This is a big problem and I sure don't have the answer. Maybe if early in the problems in Syria the EU had militarily removed Assad the folks would have stayed home and not become migrants. Just some hindsight thinking. I had a quick lunch and then got in the Taurus and headed downtown for an eye doctor appointment. My eyesight has changed significantly since my last exam. The Doctor gave me a new prescription. I ordered new lenses for my wireless frames. I also bought new frames and lenses for working out. Nancy has not had an eye exam in over a year so I made an appointment for her. Winter storm warnings are still on. We can expect another night of cold and snow. Nancy has her Book Club meeting at the condo tomorrow. I hope the condo's snow removal folks have the drive clear before BC. I got my 30 in today I hope you did too! If you want to survive winter in MI you must get outside.

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