Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday January 27, 2016

1750 sitting in den writing blog: I made this Wednesday truly an easy day. Shoveled our walk last night and had to do it again this morning. The temperature flat lined at 28 all day. Dark and gloomy with wind speeds at 18 mph. Brrr! I walked to Panera for oatmeal, sourdough toast and coffee. Was lucky because got a seat near the fireplace. Toasty! The WSJ had a whole section on the Presidential campaign. I did not read any article. I think all this huffing and puffing is premature until several primaries narrow the field. I would like to see a GOP nominee who has experience as a Governor. The shooting in Oregon of a member of the anti Fed group received a lot of press. I don't think the protesters have a legal argument. Having said that I do not like Fed policy regarding use of Federal lands. I do not think the lands should remain fallow. I have a banana every morning and this morning I finished my last one. After Panera I walked to Meijer's to buy a bunch. The walk back home was not to bad because I had the wind at my back. I spend a lot of time in my office syncing my iPhone and iPad and checking accounts and charging all my toys. Ms P and I spent some time in our backyard spreading corn. The deer had eaten several piles that I located near their tracks. Piles away from deer activity remain uneaten. I took a short nap and then walked to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. Meijer's prescription call center is on the fritz so my prescription was not ready. We had a light dinner and now are watching Jeopardy. We will watch the Mysteries of Laura and then a Netflix show. I got my 30 in today. I am convinced that at this time of year when we can go days without seeing the sun, being outside helps get rid of the winter's blues.

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