Saturday, January 16, 2016

Friday January 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Debbie. I remember her birth vividly. It was January 14, 1966 a Friday in Redwood City, CA. I took Nancy to Sequoia Hospital about 1600. We did not have insurance so after I dropped Nancy off I headed to a grocery store to cash a check for $100. I returned to Sequoia and paid for the delivery. Debbie was born shortly after midnight on the 15th. In 1966 Father's were not in the Delivery Room. The Doctor came out and told me it was a girl and the baby and Nancy were doing fine. It was a happy day for me. Oh the happy things one remembers! The temperature was raising all night. It was in mid 30s when Ms P and I went out at 0700. Nancy headed out to MVP and I stayed home and did my calisthenics. No Y today because I am meeting Jennifer Dougherty at 1100 in Alto. We are going to attend the retirement party for the Engineer-Manger of the Hillsdale County Road Commission, Stan Klingerman. After a shower I dress and walk over to Panera for my morning coffee and a chance to read the news. No comment on today's news. I headed to Alto at 1030 and met Jennifer at a MDOT park and ride near Alto. The drive to Hillsdale took about two hours so we had a chance to catch up on what was happening in our families. It was nice to know despite 2,000 miles separation and many cultural differences. Jennifer and Phil are raising their kids the same as Veronica and Stephen. I approve. The retirement party was well attended. Stan Klingerman had worked for the Road Commission for over 40 years. He was well liked among his peers. I had a chance to talk to several retired Managers. Except for the retired folks I really did not know any of the younger folks. It rained hard all the way back to Alto. The drive to Hillsdale and back we very pleasant. We passed through some scenic rural areas. I always like driving in rural MI and I do miss these drives since I retired. While working my world was west MI. Today it is Cascade Twp. I got home about 1700. Nancy spent the afternoon with her friend Kathi. We had a light dinner and then watched some Netflix.

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