Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday January 16, 2016

Saturday at 1850: Up at 0700, first thing I check the temp and it was 30. It was 34 when we went to bed. For breakfast Nancy and I walked to Panera. I made Nancy wear a hat because of the high winds. The wind chill was in single digits. I had oatmeal and sourdough toast and Nancy had a toasted whole grain bagel. The walk home was pleasant because we had the wind at our back. I quickly changed clothes and headed to Eastminster Presbyterian. As I reported yesterday my high school classmate Gary Burns had passed. Gary was the No #1 singles player on the AHS 1953 team. I was a Freshman and played doubles. In the late 80s I had my office in McKay Tower and Gary had his business in a nearby building and we would run into each other at lunch. I had an opportunity to talk to Gary's wife and daughter. At home I changed clothes and then started some chores. I changed an outside light bulb and filled the bird feeder. I drove to Ace Hardware and bought some birdseed. Stopped at D&W to turn in a lottery ticket. I won $1. I checked out the Deli and bought some Pinconning soft cheese. I took a nap and then took a two mile walk. For dinner Nancy fixed some Trader Joe's enchiladas and beans and rice. It is now 1940 and we are watching a football game. It looks like a Netflix evening. The temperature tonight will drop to 10.

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