Friday, January 29, 2016

Thursday January 28, 2016

2220 January 28: Happy Birthday Melissa: I remember your birth vividly. It was a snowy Sunday in Ann Arbor. About 0600 Nancy announced that I had better get up and get her to St Joseph Hospital in a hurry. The baby was coming. We got in our VW Beatle and headed to the hospital. It was snowing hard and the wind shield wipers were not working properly. I stopped the car to clear the wipers when Nancy said forget the wiper and get to the hospital fast. I drove with the window down so I could see the road. We pulled up at the hospital and nurses rushed Nancy to the Maternity ward. I parked the VW and as soon as I got to the waiting room a Doctor met me and he informed me that we had a healthy girl. I think Missy was born within 15 minutes of arriving at the hospital. A happy day for the Scott family. It was snowing when I left for the Y. The temperature was at 32 so I thought it might turn into rain. I put on a raincoat. Today was another dark gloomy day in West MI. Temperature was in the mid 30s all day. Snow and rain all day. I did my calisthenics at the Y and then swam 20 laps. It was still gloomy and snowing when I left for Panera. At Panera I was lucky to get a seat near their fireplace. I quickly read the WSJ. At home I had a quick lunch and then headed downtown. Today I picked up my glasses. I had new lenses installed in my wire frames glasses. I also bought a new pair of sports glasses. These glasses are on a rugged frame. They are made by Adidas. At home I took a quick nap. At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Cascade Country Club for dinner with some retired Naval officers. Ten folks were in attendance. I enjoy talking Navy. The food at Cascade was great. I had the white fish and it was outstanding. We left at 2100. We had a great evening. Remember to survive the dark, gloomy days of winter you must spend 30 minutes outdoors.

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