Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday January 19, 2016

Writing blog while listening to Gov Snyder State of State address, 1950: The day started very cold, 12, but with little wind. Nancy headed out for her swim at MVP. After breakfast I walked the Y. Instead of swimming I ran two miles. I left the Y in bright sunshine. The new Panera seems to be doing ok. The Flint water crisis is dominating the news in MI. Even the WSJ had several articles. Both Hillary and Bernie say the Gov should go. The last thing the citizens of MI need is nickel-dime advice from politicians. As soon as I got home I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to Tanger's Outlet Mall. I visited Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren, J. Crew and Under Armor. Did not buy a thing? Nancy on the other hand visited six stores and bought items at 3 stores. She wins. Tried to take Ms P on a walk but it was too cold. I ended up taking a quick two mile walk. I walked on sidewalks. Cascade Twp does a great job plowing sidewalks. I took a quick nap. Nancy fixed pasta with meat sauce for dinner. We finished the loaf of sourdough bread. Love sourdough and did you know that sourdough does not have sugar. We watched Gov Snyder's address and I thought he gave a good job explaining the Flint water crisis. Presently we are watching NCIS. As soon as it is complete we will switch to Netflix. The temperature will start moderating tomorrow. Think Spring!

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