Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday January 18, 2016

Fox Ford at 1400: The big chill continues, low this morning was 10 with wind chill at 0. Nancy headed out early to MVP and after breakfast I bundled up and walked the 1.75 miles to the Y. I was bundled up with multiple layer so no discomfort on the walk. The Y was jammed today. Was it because of MLK holiday? I did my calisthenics and then ran 2 miles. My mile time continues to go down. My goal is 2 miles in under 20 minutes. After the Y I walked to the new Panera. The new Panera is about equal distance between the Y and home. Being one of Panera's early customers I was given a coupon for free coffee for a month. I had a quick lunch minus the yogurt and then drove to Fox Ford. The heated seats are not working. I spent some time looking at the new Ford SUVs. I cannot get an AWD Ford for under 30K. Within Fox Ford is Fox Mazda. I was surprised that Mazda's SUV are about 10K cheaper. So much for buy America. The stock market is closed today so no WSJ. I read Apple News on my mini iPad. It must be the cold weather but I have been on a spending spree lately. I have been thinking of getting a regular size iPad to replace my mini. A new 50" TV also looks good. Just got word that Ford does not have the parts for the heated seats. They will be in Thursday. I was surprised at the cost. I like my Cobalt because it has no electronics and therefore cheap to operate. Of course I have to crank the Windows, manually lock the car, In some ways simple is good. Today has been the coldest day in a year. Single digits temps are predicted for tonight. Warming trend later this week. The Flint water crisis has been dominating the news lately. Why wasn't the lead discovered as soon as Flint cranked up their plant. All water plants have a chemical lab to check water quality. Some one screwed up big time. Despite the cold I go my 30 in today. I hope you did too.

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