Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday January 21, 2016

Thursday the 21st at 1330, sitting in the waiting room of Fox Ford: It was downright balmy, 21, when I started walking to the Y. My recent running has made my Achilles' tendon sore. I will get some good training shoes before resuming running. Today is my swim day but after doing some sit-ups I noticed blood on my towel. I broke open the sore on my back. On Monday the Y ran out of exercise mats so I did my sit-ups on the floor and wore some skin off my back. The Y did not purchase enough exercise mats when they opened. I hope they are getting tired of my complaints and will purchase a bunch more mats. No swim, no run so I got on a rowing machine and did 2K. The Y does have four nice new rowing machines. I walked to the new Panera. Will be glad when I can ride my bike. I have to take the Taurus in today so I had only time to read the first section of the WSJ. Several articles on the stock markets recent decline. I checked my phone and saw that the market had gone up. Go figure. I had a quick lunch and then headed out to Fox Ford. If they get the repairs done in time I will stop at Gazelle Sports and look at training shoes. I will also stop at Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. This afternoon we will pay a visit to O'Brien Funeral Home. An old OH neighbor passed away, Pat Mclauhlin. After the visit, we had dinner tonight at Forest Hill Inn. Not much on TV tonight so it was a Netflix evening.

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