Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday January 26, 2016

2045 sitting in den: Swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy left early so she can be in the pool by 0730. I left about 0830. It was 34 with a rain/snow mix. I put on my raincoat and walked to the Y. Wind speed of 17 mph made the walk unpleasant. The Y is having growing pains. The Y dedicated about 3 lanes for a water aerobic class. That means only five lanes are open to lap swimmers. Every lane had two folks. The Y had an empty thermal pool. They should move the aerobic class to the Thermal pool. I swam 20 laps. Walked to Panera and was lucky to get a seat by their fireplace. It is nice and warm. I quickly read the WSJ and did not find any article that interested me. I left early and walked home. The walk was pleasant because I had the wind at my back. I have a 1300 Doctor's appointment. Dr Santo's is an optical neurologist who is handling my myasthenia gravis. The pills I am taking seem to be working. The Doctor suggested I might want to decrease my dosage. I hate to change since everything seems to be working. At home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed out to run errands. First stop was the PO at D&W to mail a birthday package to AJ. We then headed to Costco. Nancy picked up a prescription. We also bought wine and cheese. It started snow about 1600. As soon as we got home I took a quick nap. Nancy fixed a great meal. Potatoes, apples and pork in a stew. It was great. It is now 2100 and as soon as Nancy gets off the phone we will watch a Netflix show. It is snowing hard outside so I might have to shovel in the morning. I am looking forward to Wednesday my easy day. Think Spring!

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