Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wednesday January 6, 2016

Vacation Log continues: Sunday January 3: Another nice California day, sun with temps in 60s. We decided to return to Huntington Beach for a walk along the beach. The pedestrian walk was crowded. I told Nancy if we ever moved to CA to be near the kids I wanted a place near the beach. I never tire of walking along the beach. After our two hour walk we stopped by Costco for a hot dog. I am alway amazed at how busy the Costco stores are in CA. Lucas and Alessandra start school tomorrow so we stopped by around 1730 to say goodby. I think they are ready to return to school. On the way back to the hotel we stopped at a Carl’s Jr to get a hamburg. We watched 60 Minutes but nothing much on regular TV. So we turned the TV off and read our books. We miss netflix. Monday January 4, 2016: Breakfast at the hotel and then I took my daily 2.5 mile walk. About 1000 Nancy and I got in the Jeep and headed to Brentwood to have lunch with Missy and AJ. The Los Angeles Schools have a three week Christmas vacation so AJ will be home all week. Missy had ordered a new bed and it was suppose to be delivered at 1100. They did not show and after Missy called they said it would be delivered tomorrow. We walked down to Wilshire and had lunch at a small hole in the wall cafe. We sat outside. Soup and a sandwich was everyones choice. It was very good. Foot traffic was very heavy on Wilshire so we could eat and people watch. The weather continues sunny and warm. Headed back to the hotel about 1600. Traffic on Interstate 405 was stop and go. I don’t know how CA folks can handle the heavy traffic. It is very stressful. Tuesday January 5: Travel day. I think Nancy and I are both glad to return home and resume our boring routine. We left the hotel at 0900 in pouring rain. Traffic as always was very heavy. We turned in the rental car and checked in for our flight to GR via Denver. The flights went off without a hitch. We got home at 2200, unpacked and then headed to bed. Wednesday January 6: Breakfast Club Wednesday. Because of jet lag I was up at 0530. It was 25 in GR but the pavements were dry. We had a good crowd at BC. Todays speaker was Jonathon Bradford, retired President of ICCF a local non-profit who talked about low income housing in GR. It was very good. After BC I drove straight home and changed clothes. Walked over to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. Not much good news, stocks tumble, Saudi Arabia has made Iran mad, North Korea says they exploded a hydrogen bomb and Donald Trump continues to insult everyone. After Panera Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We restocked our supply of peanut butter, wine, grapes, eggs and cheese. Had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. It is now 1640 and I am finishing this blog. I will clean my desk and pay some bills before dinner. Speaking of dinner Nancy’s friend Kathi had a dinner last night and since we were traveling and could not attend she is bringing us some leftovers. GR had some snow while we were gone. About one inch on the ground. The temp is now 34 with low tonight in the high 20s. The next couple of days will be mild but real cold weather arrives on Sunday. We have gained about 10 minutes of daylight since Dec 21. Think Spring!

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