Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday January 14, 2016

Thursday January 14, 2100: The temperature increased all night with the morning temp above 32. Today is swim day for Nancy and Bob. Nancy heads out at 0700 to MVP and I headed out to the Y after breakfast. With the temps above 32 I did not have put on many layers. The walk to the Y was pleasant. After my calisthenics I jumped in the pool and swam 1,000 yards in 30 minutes. I walked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. Everyone has an opinion on the reason for the stock market decline. Is it the poor economy in China or some other factor? A lot of different opinions but I have not heard any explanation that I agree with. Surprise, today the market goes up. Another question on my mind, why didn't the Navy patrol boats put up a fight? I like the Governor of SC reply to the SOU. She put Trump in his place. Got home about 1300 had a quick lunch. Nancy and I then headed to Costco. Bought wine, peanut butter and grapes. I took a quick nap. We had dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. We both had the Prime Rib sandwich. It was great. We stopped at Talbot's so Nancy could check over their sale items. Yesterday I reported on the death of my second cousin. Today I noticed in the GRP that a high school classmate of mine passed away yesterday. His name was Gary Burns. Gary was the No 1 tennis player on the AHS team when I was a freshman and he was a senior. I played doubles. Gary's mother was in my Mother's Bridge Club. Gary was a Navy fighter pilot with many carrier landings. He had an office in downtown near my office. I use to see him during lunch hour and we would have a nice talk. Rest in Peace Gary.

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