Sunday, January 10, 2016

Friday January 8, 2016

Nancy left early for MVP but I slept in until 0800, so much for jet lag. Rain was predicted for all day. I put my raincoat in the backpack and walked to the Y. The Y was crowded. I did my normal but today at 66%. Ran 1.6 miles. It was raining when left the Y for Panera. Panera was very crowded. Panera is getting ready to move down the street. They will close next Saturday and move into the new place on Monday the 18th. Barb Richter from LSE, my old firm, stopped at Panera for bagels. We had a nice talk. Today was Kim's day to clean. She brought back Ms P. Good to see Ms P after three weeks. We grabbed Ms P and started running errands. First stop was the USPO so Nancy could check the status of a package. She had the tracking number. The PO said the package was in the system. Our next stop was Lowes. We are looking for new quartz counter tops for the kitchen. Surprise! we got to talk to a knowledgable person. Next we stopped at Home Depot and also got a knowledgable person to explain their products. We have enough info now to prepare an estimate. I called Jennifer Dougherty and told her that I wanted to go with her to Stan Clingerman's retirement party next Friday. Stan has been the Engineer-Manager for Hillsdale County Road Commission for years. He is also a Go Blu guy. I also called Tom Mayan an old engineering friend. I say old because Tom is my age. We had a long talk. I took a nap this afternoon. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Sundance. Prior to going I took Ms P out and three deer were in our yard. Ms P barked and they trotted off. Nancy had ham/scramble eggs and I had a big salad. We stopped at Hallmark store to get some birthday cards for the girls who have birthdays in January. It is now 2130 and we are watching Foyle's War on Netflix. I think to enjoy Foyle's War you have to remember WW II. Some observations on CA after 19 days: Traffic is terrible. Despite El NiƱo CA has the best year around weather in the USA. CA is diverse. Steve and Veronica live in a US census tract that is the most diverse in the USA. Diversity is good for the country. LA has great beaches. I love walking on the pedestrian paths along the beach. I seldom see a GM car or SUV but plenty of luxury German and Asia vehicles. Real estate prices are out of this world. A single story small three bedroom home in San Jose is over $1,000,000. I love going to CA because that is where our family resides.

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