Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday April 8, 2015

Wednesday April 8, 2014 Easy Wednesday: went out at 0700 and it felt like the rain had ended. Nancy headed to MVP for a class. I got on my bike and was heading to Breton Village when it started to rain. It was only a light sprinkle but I did not want to get wet. I stopped at Sundance and had their oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I went on a short bike ride. It was still sprinkling but it was very light. I ended up at Meijer’s and turned in a winning lottery ticket ($10). At home got out of my wet clothes and took a shower. Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. Because of spring break Nancy thought the parking lots would be full and she did not want the long walk in the mist. I drove her to the Gardens. On the way home I stopped at Ada Bike to pick up a holder for my iPhone. I will put the holder on my handle bars and use the phone’s GPS to track my rides. At home I took a short nap. At 1630 we picked up Nancy at the Gardens. Nancy said they had a huge crowd today. Had time to take Ms P on her daily walk before heading to Uccello’s for pizza. Tom is on a cruise so only Ed and I were attending. It is now 2000 and I am waiting for Nancy to come home. She has to decide what to watch on netflix.

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