Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday April 7, 2015

Tuesday April 7, 2015 Swim day for Bob and Nancy: Nancy left at 0700 and I stayed and did the at home stuff. I rode the bike to Panera. Is the Iran Nuke deal a good thing for USA? I don’t think we have many options. I have an opinion on why our congressmen are not civil to each other. I have been interested in politics since 1945. Until about 2000 almost all congressmen, (yes men) had been in the military. This shared experience created a congenial atmosphere for doing business. Now most folks in congress have not been in the military. They have no common bond with their fellow congressmen. On my bike ride to MVP it started to rain. However, the drops were big so I knew it would stop soon and it did. The big drop theory is the work of Nancy’s Grandmother. The pool was crowded but I did find a lane. I swam 20 laps, 1,000 meters, doing only the breaststroke. No shoulder pain. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. The temperature was in the 40s but a 17mph wind make the walk uncomfortable. After lunch I headed downtown to the eye doctor. I have developed a dislike for the transition lenses I have in my sports glasses. I had the transition lenses removed and clear one installed. I like the change. Drove to Rockford to WWW shoe warehouse. I did not find a pair of shoes I liked. At home I took a short nap. Nancy fixed soup and pork sandwiches for dinner. It was tasty. It is now 1945 and my agenda for this evening is: read the GRP, finish reading the WSJ, watch NCIS and then a netflix show. I hope everyone got their 30 minutes in today.

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