Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday April 20, 2015

Monday April 20 at 1743: Up with first light, look out and it is raining. Nancy heads to MVP and I do the at home calisthenics. I needed some aerobics so I rowed for 12 minutes. After breakfast I walked to Panera for coffee. A lot of ink on the proposed Asian trade agreement. I support all free trade. After coffee it was just misting so I took a 2.5 mile route home. We are expecting a dryer repair man some time between noon and 1700. I took a quick lunch and then spent time in the office catching up on my reading. The dryer man came about 1500 and of course the dryer was working fine. We described the troubling sound we were hearing and he said we probably had some bushing failing. After his good explanation I told him to order parts. My fitbit had not gone off so I went to Woodland Mall and walked until it went off. I also stopped at the Apple Store and looked at the new watch. It is not waterproof so I will wait. The watch has some nice features. I have been using Apple Pay quite a bit. Today I bought coffee at Panera and a shirt at Macy’s and used Apple Pay. Light dinner tonight and then some netflix. The high today was in the high 40s. The rain will continue tonight. Low tonight will be in the high 30s but Wed, Thur and Fri nights will be below freezing.

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