Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday April 28, 2015

The sun was up at 0638 so when Ms P and I went out at 0700 I had a bright sun in my eyes. It was great. It was 39 when I headed to Panera but it is now 61 at 1650. The cool mornings and then rapid warm up make selecting proper clothes difficult. I do have a back pack so I can remove a layer if I get too warm. I left Panera and biked to MVP. I was worried that I might have a problem getting a lane in the pool. No problem I had my pick. I swam 20 laps but Nancy this morning swam 33 laps. That is over a mile. At home my first chore was to take Ms P on a walk. She is still under the weather so it was a short one. After a quick lunch I took a nap, mainly to warm up. The pool was cold this morning. I spent several hours scheduling appointments for service. We have dryer repair man on Thursday, EPS Security on Friday, Fox Ford and AC folks on May 5. My computer guy is going to email me for an appointment next week. Tonight Nancy and I are meeting the Horling’s at the Grove for dinner. Stay tuned. It was Tuesday but the restaurant was crowded. The food was excellent. I had the white fish and Nancy a beef brisket. The Horlings are great dinner companions.

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