Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday April 15, 2015

Wednesday April 15, 2015: Tax Day. I mailed our taxes late yesterday. Breakfast Club Wednesday. Up at 0545 and drove into GR. The sun was out when I got to the Women’s City Club at 0700. We had a good turnout this morning. Everyone back from warmer climes. Today’s speaker was the marketing director for the GR Symphony. She gave a good talk. I headed straight home because the sewer guy is coming at 0830. He was already working when I arrived. It took him about 45 minutes to unplug the line from the condo to the street. As soon as he finished I walked over to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I got home at 1030. Nancy left immediately for Meijer’s Garden. She has a Japanese Gardens Board meeting and then she has to work her normal shift. At 1100 Kim’s daughter, Brenda, brought Ms P home. It was such a nice day I took her on our normal walk. I spent several hours getting ready for summer. I put up all the screens. Brought the deck chairs from the lower level to the deck. It was 64 degrees so I turned off the heat and opened all the windows to let the condo air out. I did take a nap. It is now 1620 and I am sitting on the deck writing this blog. I enjoy sitting outside. As soon as Nancy gets home I will take a 3 mile walk. Light dinner tonight and then netflix. Peg and DeWight gave us some shows to watch. Our backyard is turning a bright green. I got my 30 in today did you?

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