Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tuesday April 14, 2015

Long weekend report: I have not written since last Thursday. This is a brief report on what I have been doing. Friday and I decided to take it easy. Tomorrow we are driving to Oswego, NY to visit Nancy’s sister, Peg, and husband, DeWight. I did the at home routine at 70%. It was very windy today so I decided to walk to Panera. I did take the long walk home. Kim came today to clean. After completing the cleaning she grabbed Ms P and headed home. We are lucky to have someone like Kim to take care of Ms P when we are gone. Nancy finally got the forms she needed from her Mother’s trust to complete our taxes. We grabbed the forms and headed to Jerry Dykema’s office. Jerry has been doing our taxes since 1983. We waited while the accountant’s finished our taxes. Because we only lived in GR for part of a year the accountant’s computer program could not prorate the taxes. We signed all the forms and paid our bill but decided to pick up the completed taxes when we got home from NY. Our plans were to come home on Tuesday. After a quick dinner we watched some netflix before turning in. Saturday: The alarm goes off at 0530. We had a quick breakfast at home and then headed out. Nancy made a last minute check and could not find her passport. After searching everywhere we finally found it on the floor of the car. We left GR at 0700 and headed to Port Huron. We have been hearing horror stories of problems folks were having at the border crossings. We had no problems getting into or leaving Canada. We arrived in Oswego about 1700. Mapquest’s mileage was spot on. We stayed at a small 14 unit hotel. The hotel was a renovated KC Lodge. We only booked for one night but we liked the place so much we booked for another night. Peg and DeWight picked us up at 1800. We ate at a local Italian restaurant. The place was jammed. We had a great evening. Peg dropped us off at 2130. Sunday: We slept in and then had breakfast at Friendleys. We gave it a C. Got to Peg’s house 1000. It is an understatement to say that the house was crammed with things that Peg wants to sell. Nancy and Peg spent until about 1600 looking through all the items. Nancy picked about two big boxes of items she wanted. While Nancy and Peg were working DeWight and I headed out for lunch. We ate at a drive in cafe called Rudy’s. I had smelt and a beer. DeWight had a fish sandwich. We sat outside on the banks of Lake Ontario and ate our meal. It was sunny with temps in the mid 60s. The shoreline was covered with ice. After Nancy and Peg finished browsing they spent several hours just talking. DeWight and I watched several movies. We left about 2000. Nancy and Peg had a good time. Monday: We slept in and had breakfast at Maria’s in downtown Oswego. After breakfast we stopped at Peg’s to say our goodbyes. We did not go through Canada on our drive home. We took the NY, PA and Ohio Turnpikes home. The temperature in Ohio was in the mid 80s. We ran into very heavy rain near Toledo. I was feeling pretty good so we decided to drive home without stopping. We saved a night’s lodging. Got home about 2130. Tuesday: Back to normal. We got up at 0645. The sun was just coming out. Nancy left early to go swimming. I did my at home routine at 60% and then got on the bike and headed to Panera. It was warm and sunny when I left Panera for MVP. I was overdressed. I swam 12 laps. As soon as I got home I headed to the accountant’s to pick up our taxes. This afternoon Nancy informed me that our alarm company called and said our high water alarm went off. Nancy checked downstairs and found our sewer had backed up. I called the plumber and he came within an hour. The problem required a power rodder. Our plumber could not do this work. However, he gave me a number to call. I called and the repair man will be here tomorrow morning. I called the alarm company and had them put the high water monitor on standby. Glad the previous owner had set up the system to monitor high water. The troubles continued when our dryer started making funny noises. After several calls I found a repair man who can come next Monday. We had chicken pot pies for dinner tonight. It is now 2000 and we are starting to watch NCIS. The buds on the trees are coming out. I predict the leaves will be out by the beginning of next week.

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