Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday April 24, 2015

Friday April 24, 2015 Retired folks look forward to Fridays as much as working folks. Nancy headed out at 0710 for MVP. She walked a mile on a treadmill and then took the “Healthy Lifestyle” class. Nancy lately has been increasing her swimming distance. Yesterday she swam 1500 meters. I only swim 1,000. Way to go Nancy. This morning I did the at home calisthenics. For the first time in 60 years I did not do neck bridges. My neck has been sore lately so I decided to quit. It has helped. I finished the at home routine with a 15 minute row. I showered and then got on the bike and pedaled to Ada Village, five miles. I had coffee at Hubs. I took time to read the WSJ. I am glad Comcast backed out of the merger. I think Greece should be kicked out of the EU. Kim came today to clean. The house looks great, ready for tomorrow’s party. Nancy and I ran some errands. We stopped at the Cascade library to drop off a book. At Ace Hardware we bought a shovel, Roundup and Preen. Nancy wants to plant a small area in our backyard. The final stop was Costco. Bought a birthday cake and some supplies. Costco did not have a leg of lamb. They promised Nancy that they would have the lamb tomorrow morning at 0930. I have a pair of Merrell shoes that I really like. The model has been discontinued but I was told the Rockford Outlet might have several pairs. I drove to Rockford. The Outlet did not have any. Bummer. I took a short nap and then walked around the block. Ms P is still under the weather but slightly better.

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