Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sunday April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday 2015: MVP is closed today so we slept in. We spent a relaxing morning drinking coffee and reading the GRP. We did take some time to go shopping at Meijer’s. It is nice to be able to fill up the Taurus for less than $30. Not too long ago we were spending over $50 each Sunday. Some folks say the cheap gas is a Middle Class tax break and I agree. We have a big vote coming up on increasing the sales tax. The majority of the new money will go to roads. A smaller portion will go to education. I support this new tax and think it is long overdue. Many of the Governor’s party (republican) are not in favor of the new tax. In fact these clowns don’t want to spend any money on either roads or schools. My Mom and Dad were very conservative but they always supported schools and roads. I have always told folks that I am a Republican. However, we have so many stone heads in the party that I am looking for a new party. The new party will not be Democrat. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I took Ms P on her walk. I did take my Sunday nap. I finished the afternoon with a 3.5 mile walk. My fitbit says I walked over six miles today. I think that is a little high. MSU’s loss was a big disappointment but what UW did to UK was great. I hope UW goes all the way. Nancy is fixing a pork tenderloin with sweet potato and beans for dinner tonight. We will watch 60 minutes and then a netflix show.

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