Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday April 9, 2015

We had the first thunder storm of the year roll through early this morning. Ms P went bonkers. Nancy did not go swimming this morning because she thought the pool would be closed because of lightning. It was raining when I was ready to head out so I drove to Panera. In fact it rained hard all day. After Panera I headed to MVP. The pool was open so I swam my 20 laps. I stopped at Starbucks to complete reading the WSJ. I also stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods to see if they had any heavy weight long sleeve tees. They did not. Nancy and I had dinner at Russ’s this evening. It is now 2034 and we are going to watch a netflix show. This day in history: 150 years ago Robert E. Lee surrendered to U. S. Grant. 54 years ago, 1961, young civil engineer, Bob Scott, wrote his mother in Alpena. I told Mom I had a busy week. Thursday went to an ASCE meeting, Saturday evening went to a Polish wedding. Sunday I took a bus to Detroit to visit my Grandfather Scott’s brother, John. John Scott was a great story teller. HIs son Johnny was also in attendance. Johnny is really hung up on the Scottish heritage. He plays in a bag pipe band and has a huge collection of Scottish memorabilia. I told Mom for my birthday I needed some adult type socks and pants. I don’t know what adult type means? I told Mom it snowed last night and was quite sloppy outside.

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