Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday April 1, 2015

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0555 and get in C2 and head to Women’s City Club for Breakfast Club. Our turnout recently have been in the low 20s. When I first joined attendance was in the 50s. Today’s speaker was a candidate for GR Mayor. He is a single issue candidate. HIs single issue is to get GR to quit putting fluoride in the drinking water. GR was the first city to add fluoride. Fluorides main benefit is to prevent tooth decay. The ADA is a big supporter. We have a number of dentists who belong to BC and they were almost booing the speaker. Several members asked about other issues facing GR and he did not have a clue. After BC I drove to Cabela’s. I bought a cap and a pair of wool rag socks. I keep forgetting what a vast collection of clothes Cabela’s has. Next I stopped at Eddie Bauer’s and bought a pair of canvas pants. I like them because they have a side pocket that can hold my phone. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. I took Ms P on her walk and then had lunch. The temperature reached 64 today. Along with bright sunshine it was a perfect spring day. For the first time since Nov that I did not wear lined pants or long underwear. It was great. I took a 30 minute nap and then did some spring cleaning. Moved winter boots and coats downstairs. Brought up my spring coats and shoes. We needed milk for dinner tonight so I biked to Meijer’s. I bought milk, lotion with sunscreen and Pinconning Cheese. I used Apple pay to buy the items. Speaking of Meijer’s, I ran into Mary Tanis at the store. Mary use to work at Kent County when I worked there. She was a secretary but had a part time job working at Meijer’s. She worked in Security and would always talk about catching shop lifters. I think this line of work was Mary’s first love. She left Kent County and starting working full time at Meijer’s. Mary is now head of security for Meijer’s in the GR area. Mary said they were looking for someone my age to work weekend afternoon’s at the Cascade store. They are having a major problems with senior citizens shop lifting. Weekend afternoons were prime time for the crooks. Mary described the job and hours, noon to 1800, to me. After some talk I agreed to give it a try. I start on Saturday. I will tell Nancy after dinner. After I got home from Meijer’s I put the milk and cheese in the reefer and then got back on the bike and headed to ACE hardware. We had a recessed light in the kitchen burn out yesterday. I bought a replacement bulb. A single bulb cost $12. It took me forever to replace the bulb. We had a light dinner. Tonight we will watch network TV until 2100 and then finish with an hour netflix show.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Okay... I just have to comment. I am green with envy! I would love this job. I hope you share some good stories on your blog about it. If it works out... I may go looking for something like it! Shirley