Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday April 26, 2015

Weekend Update: Saturday April 25: We both slept in. It was too late for Sundance so I had a ham and eggs sandwich at Panera. I see that reporters are asking potential GOP candidates if they would attend the gay wedding of a friend. Several have said no. I certainly would attend a friend’s wedding. A friend is a friend. Enough said. After breakfast I took a bike ride on my standard route. I have said I ride the route backwards but backwards is now the new standard. It is just easier. Spent most of the afternoon setting up for our 1800 dinner party. Nancy left at 0930 to Costco to get a leg of lamb for dinner. She spent most of the day preparing the meal. The guests were all right on time. We opened several bottles of wine and Nancy fixed a cheese spread. It was a tasty before dinner treat. A little wine makes everyone more social. Nancy’s meal went over well. The dinner was also a birthday party for Ed Namey and Bob Scott. Ed was 77 on the 18th and Bob on the 22nd. We had chocolate cake and butter pecan ice cream. I indulged. In fact the chocolate was so good I overindulged. So much for the sugar free diet. I think it is ok for one meal. We retired to the living room to talk. The party ended at 2230. A great day. Sunday April 26: Up at 0655 and got ready for the pool. The pool is always crowded on Sundays so Nancy and I put on our swim suits before we leave. I put my socks in my backpack. We do this so we can be first in the pool. It does not alway work. This morning I shared a lane. However, we both swam 20 laps. Gas a Meijer’s was $2.50 this morning. We did not need many groceries so got home early. We watched some early morning news shows. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap. After the nap I took Ms P on a mile walk. Aldi’s had a glider on sale today so I drove the Aldi’s and bought one. We got a phone call from our security firm telling us that our downstairs drain backed up. I checked and sure enough it had backed up. This is the same drain we had cleaned last week. The Drain Company said they back up their work for 30 days. Tomorrow we will check. I finished my afternoon activities with a walk around the block. Veronica called this afternoon and gave us an update on the Scott Team in Long Beach. It is now 1750 and I am sitting in the living room writing this blog. Nancy is fixing black beans, chicken and rice for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 minutes this evening. Maybe even a show on netflix. A busy weekend. On a weather note. It is now 56 with some sun. The coming week the high temps will be in the 60s and 70s. No more freezing weather. Good news.

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