Sunday, April 19, 2015

Saturday April 18, 2015

Saturday: The weather folks said that today would be sunny and warm. They were right. For the first time this year GR was warmer than LA. High temp today was 74. However, the warm weather comes to an end tomorrow. Next week the high temperatures will be in the 50s and the low temps for several days will be 30. Bummer! Slept in until 0700 this morning. I biked over to Sundance for breakfast. After breakfast I took my 15 mile bike route. Only today I did it backwards. It is an easier ride. Nancy spent some time working outside today. We have a small area that we can plant. Nancy cleaned the area up and next week she will plant some rose bushes. We thought Ace Hardware was having a sale. Nancy needed a shovel and some chemicals. However, the sale is not until next week end. I took Ms P on our longer route today. It takes us 50 minutes for this walk. I took a short nap. For dinner we drove to Houlihan’s. A lot of folks were eating outside. We sat inside. I had a great salmon dinner. Nancy had quiche. It was such a warm evening that Nancy and I walked around the block, 1.5 miles. We are now watching CSI LV. It will be any early evening.

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