Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday April 19, 2015

Sunday April 19, 2015 Today is swim day. Up at 0700 and head out to MVP. It was bright and sunny but rain is forecast for this afternoon. The pool was crowded but we both got a lane. After the swim we head to Meijer’s. I had to put over 16 gallons in the Taurus. I think this is a record. Lucky gas is below $2.50. Saturday night we are having five folks over for dinner. Nancy had to stock up for this event. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine over a waffle with sugar free syrup of course. I read the funnies and sports page before taking my Sunday nap. Rain is forecast for later this afternoon. I took Ms P on our longer route. The route is 1.75 miles (0.5 longer than normal) and it takes us about 50 minutes. I had Nancy measure my chest today and found it is 4” smaller than several months ago. A downside to losing over 20 pounds is that your old clothes don’t fit. However, the up overshadows the down. It is now 1622 and I hear thunder. Ms P will soon go bonkers. The recent rains have greened up the grass and brought out flowers and leaves. We are sleeping with the bedroom slider open. It is great to hear the birds in the early morning. On this date in 1961: I wrote my Mother and asked that she send my diploma because the Navy wants to see it. In hindsight I was pretty demanding of my mother. I commented that I had just received a letter from my sister, Helen. Helen is attending Albion College. Helen said she is taking extra work and likes it. She said that she had a date this Saturday night. An employee of Dad’s, Doug Basil, is attending Wayne State and he called me and asked if I would help him with his concrete design class. I said sure. (As I remember Doug and I went to a local bar and did more drinking than studying). I sent Dad a birthday present and asked Mom if he liked it. My Mother sent me my old radio and I told her how much I liked it. I was doing some design work at my job. I liked doing design. Finally I asked Mom what she thought of the following items in the news: Cuban situation, President Kennedy’s performance, the passing of Con-Con and the Eichman trial. On this date in 1938, Ossineke, MI: Great grandfather Sanborn spent the morning burning leaves. The wind picked up at noon so he had to put the fire out. Guy Johnson, Dad’s uncle, was putting a new clutch in the old car. GGF worked at the Post Office in the afternoon. He got home at 1900. It started raining in the late afternoon.

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