Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday February 28, 2014

Finally the last day of February. It has been a tough winter. We are already in second place for snowfall. This morning is was -12. -12 is a real number and not wind chill. I went out at 0500 with Ms P. Back to bed and up at 0730. Monday I start setting the alarm for 0630. Nancy had spent a restful night but she said that all the pain medicine from yesterday has left her body. She has been taking her pain pill every four hours. I got to the Hall Street Bakery at 0900 and read the WSJ until 0930. I had trouble finding a parking space at MVP. My first thought was that the pool would be crowded. No problem I did not have to share a lane. I cannot increase my time for the 1,500 meter. It is always between 42' and 43'. I got home at noon and Kim was still here. Nancy had done several loads of laundry. I told her not to overdue it but I don't think she was listening. We are staying home this evening. I will heat up the rest of the stew we had last night. Nancy said all she wants is yogurt. It is now 1634 and as soon as I finish this sentence I will take a 2.5 mile walk.

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