Friday, February 28, 2014

Thursday February 27,2014

The alarm goes off at 0545. We have to be at the surgery center by 0700. We had about 1" of new snow overnight. I shoveled just the drive. It was snowing and very cold when we left at 0630. We encountered white out conditions on the freeway that made driving an adventure. Nancy's surgery was scheduled for 0830. The surgery took about 20 minutes. Nancy was heavily sedated so it took about 60 minutes for her to recover. The Doctor talked to me about the surgery and said everything went fine. She can put weight on her knee and does not have any mobility issues. She cannot drive for about a week. No PT is required but they recommend swimming and using a stationary bike. The snow had stopped and the sun was out so our drive home was pleasant. I was surprised that Nancy could climb stairs. She rested in her recliner in the back room. We put ice on the knee and kept it elevated. I had to run several errand. My first stop was Costco to pick up a prescription and buy some milk. Next I stopped at the bank to get some money for Kim who is coming tomorrow. Nancy spent most of the day resting and reading. About 1700 I went on a 2.5 mile walk. Nancy's friend had prepared a stew to eat after the surgery. I heated it up in the microwave. She also gave us some biscuits that I had to bake. Yes folks I did some cooking. Wonders never cease. We had a nice dinner. For dessert we had the chocolate chip ice cream that Kathi had given us. We also used the chocolate sauce that Kathi had provided. It was a great meal. Who is counting calories? We watched sone TV on Netflix. Nancy was very tired so she headed upstairs about 2100. The surgery center was new and had all the new technology. Over a billion dollars has been spent in the GR region on new medical facilities. I wonder do we have a potential medical bubble? Who is going to pay for all this new construction? I hope the medical folks have done a market study.

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