Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday February 18, 2014

Last night before going to bed I spent about an hour shoveling the walks. I got up at 0600 and spent another hour shoveling. With all the shoveling activity I only performed my calisthenics at 50%. I had coffee at the Hall Street Bakery. I left at 0925 and stopped at home to take Nancy to work at the hospital. With all the snow on the roads I really like our four wheel drive Taurus. It gets us through all the snow covered roads. Today I swam my 1,500 meters and for the first time broke 43 minutes. I finished reading the WSJ at MVP. I purchased a cup of coffee and sat in one of their comfortable chairs. I had a quick lunch and then picked Nancy up at 1300. We drove to her knee doctor. Nancy is scheduled for surgery a week from Thursday. I took a short nap and then headed outside to make sure our walks were ice free. Tonight the OHNA Board is meeting at our house. Nancy fixed a stir fry pasta, chicken, green bean dish for supper. It was good. Nancy baked cookies for the meeting. She also had coffee and water. I fired up the fireplace. The meeting started at 1900 and all Board members arrived before 1900. Folks must have cabin fever because they have a good turnout. Ms P and I are up in my office writing this blog. The temperature finally got above 32. This is the first time in February. In fact we might get some rain tomorrow. The days are getting longer. Today we have 10h42' of daylight. This is 1h42' more daylight than on Dec 21. Spring is coming!

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