Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday February 24, 2014

The Polar Vortex attacks. Today is the first of five very cold days. In fact it is cold enough to drain the battery in my iPhone. I just got back from a 2.5 mile walk and I had the phone in my coat pocket. I understand that the cold weather also drains the batteries in electric cars. On Saturday Nancy was looking out the window and saw four robins in the backyard. I hope they have found a warm place to stay during this cold spell. Today I took Ms P out at 0600. I did calisthenics and then had coffee at the Hall Street Bakery. I was surprised after last weeks big crowds that the place was empty this morning. I picked Nancy up at 0915 and drove her to the hospital. She has a board meeting this morning. The pool at MVP is available at 0955. I arrived at 0955 and found an empty lane. I mixed up my routine this morning but still swam 1,500 meter. I left MVP at 1115 and drove to the hospital to pick up Nancy. We stopped at home to get our Costco shopping list and Ms P. Costco was not very crowded. After Costco we stopped at the Dollar Tree so Nancy could buy some items. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. As mentioned earlier I took a walk. We will have a light dinner, watch the news and then one of the last Inspector Lewis episodes on Netflix. I saw in today's WSJ that Netflix and Comcast have reached a cost agreement. Will our Netflix bill go up?

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