Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuesday February 25, 2014

Tuesday February 25, 2014 Woke up today with a light dusting of snow. I had my coffee at the Hall Street Bakery. They had packaged some of yesterday’s bakery items at 50% off. I bought a bag of breakfast cookies. They were real good. I picked Nancy up at 0930 and drove her to the hospital. She is meeting Vendors today. The pool was crowded but I did not have to share a lane. After the swim I bought a coffee and sat in MVP’s lounge area and finished the WSJ. I am still having problems getting sections of the WSJ to download even when connected to the internet. I really don’t understand what is happening in the Ukraine. If fact I am now looking at a map of the country. It looks like the Roman and Orthodox branches of the Catholic church are not playing nice. The Michigan papers have been reporting on Detroit’s bankruptcy woes. Nobody is a winner. After lunch I headed upstairs to clean up some items. I tried to get an appointment with a specialist I have used in the past. The earliest I can get in is the middle of April. I called my GP and I will see him next week. All I wanted to do was get a prescription refilled. Speaking of health care there have been some receint articles of middle class folks who have a health plan that is paying for their expensive cancer treatments. The folks have this plan cancelled because it is in noncompliance with the ACA. The replacement is much more expensive. The ACA is not getting good reviews. What do you expect with a law that is thounsand of pages long. I am sure over times most of the problems with be corrected. At least that is my hope. It is now 1500 and Nancy has not called me to pick her up. I asked her how many hours she spents working for the gift shop. She does not know but I bet it is at least 20 a week. Nancy called and we picked her up at 1600. I finished the afternoon off with a 1.5 mile walk. For dinner we finished the sloppy joes and soup. Today is Nancy’s sister, Peg, birthday. Nancy gave her a call. Everything is going well with the Middletons. We watched NCIS and then a new episode of House of Cards before heading upstairs. I got my 30 in today.

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