Sunday, February 16, 2014

Saturday February 15, 2014

Slept in until 0700. Walked to Omelette Shop for their oatmeal breakfast. It was cold this morning but the sun was bright with not a cloud in the sky. I have not figured out how to get the WSJ completely downloaded to the mini iPad. I download at home. If I go to a place with no internet I get through the first section and then get a message saying they cannot download the rest of the WSJ because no internet is available. I don't know how the download works. Is part of the WSJ stored in the cloud? I will have to experiment with saving. The walk home was very pleasant. Bright cloudless sky and the snow crunching as I walked. A perfect winter's day. It was so nice that when I got home I told Nancy we had to go for a drive. We got in the Taurus and headed to Holland beach. Not an original idea. Major traffic jam. Everyone must have had cabin fever. We finally found a parking place and took Ms P on a short walk. The ice extends as far as the eye can see. No open water was visible. About 1600 I took another 2.5 mile walk. For dinner I went to Subway and got each of us a sandwich. We watched Inspector on Netflix.

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