Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday February 20, 2014

I slept in until 0600. No snow overnight, in fact heavy rain is predicted for today. Much to my surprise the end of the drive was plugged with snow. All the recent snows have narrowed the roads. Some roads were so narrow only single lane traffic was possible. The City was sending out big plows to widen the roads. Last night they widened Mackinaw Road by putting all the snow in our drive. It took me 45 minutes to clear the drive. I had coffee at Hall Street Bakery. The parking lot was full so I had to park in the Church lot across the street. The Bakery I think has been successful. The place is crowded and the bakery items are popular. Unlike the Kava House, Hall Street has an older crowd. It has a diverse customer base. I got in the pool at 1045 and swam my 1,500 meters. I got a dose of athletes foot so I am blaming MVP. I started wearing my crocs today. Athletes foot use to be very common in gyms. In high school they use to have a tray of disinfectant you stepped in after your shower. Nancy went out to lunch with her friend Kathi today. After lunch Nancy and I ran some errands. We stopped at the Dog Hospital to buy some medicine for Ms P. We also drove to Pet Smart to get some joint medicine. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. It was raining hard, in fact, it has been raining since noon. The rain must have kept folks at home because GLS was empty. We watched the news. It is now 2000 and as soon as I finish this blog we will fire up Netflix and watch another episode of Inspector Lewis.

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