Monday, February 10, 2014

Sunday February 2, 2014

Sunday, Groundhog Day , a busy travel day for nancy and bob. Up at 0430 and load the c2 for our trip to the airport. I was glad I had shoveled before going to bed last night. No problem getting to the airport. Our trip to Chicago was uneventful. We had to run through o'hare to get to our gate, not a minute to spare. No problems getting to Houston. We landed with only minutes to get the flight to Miami. I never saw nancy walk so fast. We were lucky because several folks on our flight were also going to Miami. They flew by us and we told them to hold the plane for the old folks. They did. The flight was not crowded so we had an empty seat between us. It was 75 in Miami. After checking in we walked over to a sports bar. I forgot the Super Bowl. We told them we were not staying for the game so we got a table. We did watch the SB and then turned in. It was a busy day.

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