Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday February 13, 2014

Got up at 0500 and was surprised that it was a warm 20. Back to bed and then up for good at 0700. I cannot get into the pool until 1045 so I took my time doing the calisthenics. I had coffee again at the new bakery at Hall and Fuller. The bakery is called "Hall Street Bakery". They have a liquor license and a limited evening menu. Nancy and I will have to try out the place some evening. I was in the pool at 1045 and today I swam 30 laps, 1500 meter, in 43'. After my swim I came right home and had a quick lunch. When Nancy got home at 1300, we grabbed Ms P and headed to Costco. We have been buying Costco's cheap wine in 1.5 liter bottles. It is pretty good, Costco's answer to Trader Joe's "Two Buck Chuck". I did take a short nap. It was warm enough today, mid 20s, so I took Ms P on her first outside walk in two weeks. I then took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. The place was jammed. It is now 2130 and we are watching the Olympics. The weather folks say that next week we will have temperatures above 32. We need some snow melt. I have not seen grass in our yard since mid December. What happened to Global Warming!

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