Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday February 11, 2014

Up at 0630 and do my calisthenics before breakfast. My new breakfast is a piece of toast with peanut butter, five dried prunes and a glass of milk. I cannot get in the pool until 1000 so I left at 0815 and had coffee at a new coffee shop at the corner of Hall and Fuller. It is owned by the folks that own the Wealthy Street Bakery. They have been open since Feb 8. They did a great job in fixing up the old meat market. Nice wood floors and furniture. They have a full line of bakery items that are made on-site each day. I only had a coffee and read the WSJ. I think this might be my new coffee shop. I got to MVP early. They had a class that ran until 0955. I got to the pool at 0954. At exactly 0955 the class ended and I got the lane of my choice. Today I tried swimming without my nose plug. I think they have a better handle on the proper dosage of chlorine than the MAC. If I don't plug up this afternoon I will discontinue use of the plug. After my swim I sat in the lobby and finished reading the WSJ. I got home about 1200 and who should greet me but Ms P. I think she was a little moody because we left her for a week. Nancy worked at the hospital gift shop from 1000 to 1600. She said she had a lot of catching up to do. I did a load of laundry and other chores this afternoon. I also cleaned my desk and caught up on reading back issues of Canoe and Kayak. The mailman dropped off a week's worth of mail. I sorted the mail and now have about 50 items to read. I will toss about 95%. I finished the afternoon with a 2.5 mile walk. The temperature was in the high teens but the sun was out. Sunshine alway trumps cold. Nancy is fixing a pork chop and baked potato for dinner. We will watch the Olympics before heading upstairs.

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