Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday February 21, 2014

Winter returns with a vengeance. The wind was howling all night. The wind speeds were in the 30s. It started to snow when I entered the Hall Street Bakery at 0830. After spending about 40' reading the WSJ I headed home to pick up Nancy. She is working at the Hospital Gift Shop today. I was in the pool at 0955 and had my choice of lanes. I think most folks have a hard time swimming when we have blizzard conditions outside. After a quick lunch Ms P and I get in the Taurus and head to the hospital to pick up Nancy. Nancy had to have some blood work done for her upcoming surgery so we head for the lab. It was treacherous going because the East Beltline was iced over. After the lab we stopped at Nancy's friend Kathi's house so I could help her load up her van. Kathi has a shoulder problem from all the recent snow shoveling. I loaded all her heavy bags into the van. We also picked up some food Kathi had prepared for Nancy after her surgery. Apparently no one thinks I can cook. The weather conditions are so bad that we decide to stay home this evening. I put the car in and shoveled the walk. We got about 1" of snow. We now have over 100" of snowfall this year. A couple more inches and we will be in second place for winter snowfall. The record is 134" set in the 50s. I don't think we will reach that amount. Nancy warmed up the hamburg bake bean casserole for dinner. We also had hot dogs. We have not watched much Olympics because we are hooked on Inspector Lewis on Netflix. We were in bed by 2200.

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