Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday February 19, 2014

Today was Breakfast Club. I got up at 0600 and made it to BC by 0700. The speaker today was from Opera GR. She has only been the Director for about three weeks but she gave a great talk. In fact I was so impressed I am taking Nancy to a March 7 performance. RHS to an opera! On my way home I stopped at the Wealthy Street Bakery to have a coffee and read the WSJ. The world is not a safe place. I really hope we stay out of the trouble in Syria, Venezuela, Thailand and the Ukraine. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. I am driving her. We left early so that we could drive through several condos that friends told us we might like. We liked two condo units that are near the intersection of East Paris and Burton. We have a lot research to do. On the way home I stopped at D&W to get some milk. I have added more milk to my diet. Us old folks need calcium. I picked Nancy up at 1615. The weather folks say we could get an inch of rain tomorrow. We might get some local flooding. I spent about 30 minutes uncovering our storm drain. We had a light dinner and now at 2000 we are watching an Inspector Lewis episode on Netflix.

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