Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday February 26, 2014

Wednesday my easy day. I slept in until 0700 and then took Ms P out to do her bidness. We had a light dusting of snow so in keeping with my bare pavement policy I shoveled. Today I had to drive Nancy to a 1100 doctors appointment. I walked over to Wolfgang's for breakfast. I chose Wolfgang's because it was closest. Every year Wolfgang's is voted the best breakfast restaurant in GR. I don't think it is that great. Todays breakfast of potatoes, eggs, sausage and toast was not that great. The same breakfast at Bill's cost less, $2, and has bigger portions and better potatoes. It has been very cold today. The high today was 14. We got to the doctors right at 1100 and we did not have to wait long. I did have time to finish the WSJ. I still don't know what a bitcoin is? Part of the reason for the visit is Nancy has been having high blood pressure readings. She wanted the Doctor's ok to have her knee surgery tomorrow. Nancy was all smiles when she left the office. It looks like our BP machine might be broken. Her BP was fine this morning. Our next medical purchase will be a BP machine. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. It was almost time for her shift to start so instead of driving home and then back to the Gardens we stopped at Meijer's Thrifty Acres so I could buy some Guiness beer. Last Saturday at the Spinnaker I had a Guiness with dinner. It was very good. I bought an eight pack. I dropped Nancy off and then came right home. I checked my email and took a short nap. It is now 1530 and I am leaving to pick up Nancy. Nancy was waiting for us as we pulled up. As soon as I got home I went on a 2.5 mile walk. The weather folks said the wind chill was below zero and I believe them. We had a light dinner. We watched the news are starting to watch Jeopardy. As soon as I finish this blog we will watch Inspector Morse and then House of Cards on Netflix. We have to get to bed early because Nancy has to be at the hospital at 0700.

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