Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday February 22, 2013

Saturday February 22, 2014 We all slept in until 0800. Nancy and I decided to go out to breakfast. We ended up at the Omelette Shop. The place was crowded, we had to wait about 10 minutes. I had the corn beef hash with eggs. Nancy had eggs, bacon and toast. We both decided that we should stick with the oatmeal. They ruined the corn beef hash. They should use the Navy’s recipe. We headed home to pick up Ms P and then headed out to look at some condos. Our first stop was Sabal Point. Several units were for sale so we drove by them. We then headed to Centennial Point to look the place over. They also have some nice looking units. Nancy and I agree that we need to get a realtor to help us. Later in the afternoon I took a four mile walk. Another nice winter’s day walk. I took a shower and then a quick nap. At 1730 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Spinnaker for dinner with the Moleksi’s. The place was empty. We were surprised because it has great food and surroundings. The place is noted for seafood but only Tom and I had a fish plate. It was a pleasant evening. We got home at 2000 and watched an Inspector Lewis episode on Netflix. We did not head up until nearly 2300.

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