Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Tuesday February 27, 2018

Tuesday February 27, 2018

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The sun was coming up first went out at 0715 this morning.  The temperature was 30 but will climb to the 50s later.  This nice weather is setting us up for a big fall when the weather returns to normal.

Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim and after breakfast I got on my bike and pedaled the 7.5 miles to the Y.  I was way overdressed because was drenched in sweat when arrived at Y.

The Y was crowded this morning.  The Y’s bulletin board says they have 17,000 members.  Did my calisthenics, showered and headed to Panera.

Recently noted at Panera a lot of folks back from warmer climes.  I think March is the month I would like to spent in warmer weather.  I don’t like yo-yo weather.

Comments on news

I really don’t think POTUS’s comments on the actions of the police at the recent FL school shooting are appropriate.  Would he really run into the school without a gun?  He has left itself open to ridicule.

On this day in 1933 the German’s Reichstag burned allowing Hitler to assume control.

The Beast from the East is still dumping snow on the UK.  Good Grief they close everything when only 2” of snow falls.

When will the U.N. or NATO stop Syria bombing and gassing its own people.  It is a disgrace.

The meeting between the President and President of Mexico has been called off.  The reason apparently is the proposed stupid wall.  POTUS should forget the wall.  Stupid idea!

At home I took Ms P on a walked followed by putting out corn for the deer.  Lunch and then I ran errands.  The temperature had risen to 60 so I just wore a sweater.  First stop Sam’s Club for a tub of Pinconning soft cheese.  Next was Costco to buy eye drops and two big bottles of wine.

Nancy this afternoon drove her friend to the Doctor.  They will have dinner after the Doctor’s.  I took a short nap.  

I was getting ready to fix dinner when Nancy texted me to say do not fix dinner because she is bringing home a doggy bag.  It was worth the wait.  Nancy brought home a great chicken sandwich from Rose’s.

Tonight was our CBS evening.  Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Monday February 26, 2018

Monday February 26, 2018

Blog time 0925:

The day started on a sour note.  Ms P got sick.  We cleaned it up and vowed to not give her any more eggs.  It was cold, 28, this morning but should be sunny all day.  Sunrise this morning was 0720.  Love these longer days.

Nancy headed out to MVP for either a stretch or step class.  I have a 1100 PT appointment so I did all my calisthenics at home.  I also have included the stretch exercises given to me by the PT folks into my schedule.

I don’t think growing up I knew of anyone involved in the physical rehabilitation industry.  I now know several friends whose children majored in PT in college.  Health care is a major growth industry.  New health care facilities are being constructed all over the GR area.  Health care costs are a big part of the nation’s economy and will continue to grow as the population grows older.  We need more young folks.  Allowing more immigrants in could be part of the solution.

Alpena News reported on a recent charity wild game dinner.  The speaker was the host of MI Outdoors on PBS.  It was well intended.  Hunting and fishing are part of small town culture.  They are the NRA’s base.  

The UK is experiencing winter blizzards.  Today in the The Telegraph were some great photos of the storm.  The storm is called Beast from East.

This and that;

Many investors are buying stocks by borrowing from their portfolios.  This morning on CNBC Warren Buffet said this is a stupid move.  I agree.

We watched the Closing Celebration last night.  A lot of whiz bang action, truly amazing.

Xi Jinping of China is getting rid of term limits.  One man rule returns to China.  One man controlling the lives of over a billion folks never end well.
My PT session lasts exactly an hour.  Stationary bike warmup followed by intensive massage of my left hip and leg.  I say intensive because it hurts.  Wind up the session with a series of exercises.  I think the sessions are working.  No pain at night.

Lunch and then we took Ms P on a short walk.  Great day for a walk, sunny with temp near 50.

The deer continue to sneak in at night and eat the corn I put out.  I haven’t seen them lately but the next morning the cobs have been stripped of kernels.  I put out another 15 cobs.

The bike shop said my bike with the flat winter tire was ready.  I got out my summer bike and headed to Ada.  Picked up the winter bike and left the summer bike for its annual maintenance check.

I took a short nap.  We had a light dinner followed by watching the news, NBC and PBS, and finally Jeopardy.  At 2000 we have our cheese and then we switch to Apple TV.  Boring!  

Watched an episode of The Killing on Netflix.  We both spend a short time reading in bed before falling asleep.  I have a great new Bernard Cornwell novel.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Sunday February 25,2018

Sunday February 25, 2018

Weekend Update;

Blog time 1735 sitting in office on Sunday the 25th.

Saturday February 24:  this morning we drove to Panera because right after breakfast we are driving to Lake Odessa to attend a Cabin Fever Sale at the Village’s two antique malls.  The sale starts at 1000.

Great day for a Cabin Fever sale.  It was dark and gloomy but temps were above freezing.  I enjoyed opening up the Escape on the freeway.  First time I have used cruise control this year.

The place was jammed.  Everyone in West MI must have Cabin Fever.  The  mall has a lot of old tools and items my grandfather used in the 40s.  I don’t think anything from the 60s is an antique.  I wanted a MI road map pre 1952.  I could not find one.  Nancy purchased several items.  We spent over 3 hours in Lake Odessa.  Antique stores are a great trip down memory lane.

We had quick lunch as soon as we got home.  Nancy started the laundry and I set out some corn for the deer.

Took a walk around the block and a short nap.  For dinner we drove to Houlihan’s.  Nancy received a half birthday coupon.  She had chicken salad and I had fish and chips.  

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s before heading home.  I picked up a prescription and Nancy bought grapes.

At home we watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn.  The show takes place in a small New Zealand town.  Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.  

I finally finished Michener’s Mexico.  Started a novel by Bernard Cornwall, 1356.

Sunday February 25, 2018

The temp was 38 and windy when first went out this morning.  In fact the wind will be 25+ mph all day today.

Headed out at 0745 to the Y.  Nancy swam and I did some calisthenics and a 2K row.

At home we changed clothes and headed out to the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Big crowd at the service.  The service was shortened so the upcoming major construction project could discussed.  I volunteered to work Saturday March 10.  

We did stop Meijer’s on our way home.  Small shopping list today.

Before lunch put out corn for the deer.  Nancy finished the laundry.

Lunch and then I took my Sunday nap.  Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.  Tough walking into the 25mph wind but enjoyed the bright sunshine.

Nancy fixed poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine on a waffle.

This evening I finished reading the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and right now we are watching the Closing Ceremonies.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday February 23, 2018

Friday February 23, 2018

Blog time 1035 at Panera

It was raining when first went out this morning.  Temperature was 36.

This morning I have a 0830 session with the PT folks.  Several exercises at home and then I head out.  The PT folks had me ride a stationary bike and other warmup exercise before the PT man started pulling and stretching my left hip muscle.  He hit several sensitive spots during his massage of the hip.  I suppose this is a good thing.  I spent 60 minutes at this session.

Drove to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast.  Finished yesterday’s blog and now will read some news.  At 1100 I am heading to the Y.

Gun laws, Olympics and the Mueller investigation dominates the USA news.  In West MI the big news is the flooding caused by recent rains and snow melt.  

Calisthenics at the Y and then was planning on going swimming until I looked in the pool and saw all lanes were full.  Rowed 2K instead.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Horrocks to buy corn and some veggies.  At home I put out more corn for the deer.

The dark gloomy weather exhausts me.  I took a quick nap followed by a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed me a chicken pot pie for dinner.  She also had a frozen chicken and potato dinner.

Just before dinner looked out the window and saw 9 deer eating the corn I had just put out.  The deer only eat the kernels.  I put out 14 ears and wonder how much nutrition is available to each deer.  Doesn’t seem much but all the deer look well fed.

Followed our normal routine this evening.  No Olympics instead we watched an episode of British series Murder in Suburbia on Acorn.

Yesterday was President George Washington’s birthday.  I checked my files and found a letter I wrote my mother on Washington’s birthday in 1961.  Washington’s birthday was a Federal holiday in 1961.  I was a federal employee so I had the day off.  I wrote the letter to Mom as I was waiting for my tamales to get hot.  No car so I walked to downtown Detroit and ended up at the library.  Of course the library was closed.  Got back to my apartment just before the rain.  Spend the rest of the day reading.  Time magazine from cover to cover and the Detroit News.  I had a radio but no TV.  Life was simple in 1961 for an impoverished recent CE grad.   

Friday, February 23, 2018

Thursday February 22, 2018

Thursday February 22, 2018

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Happy Birthday President Washington.  George Washington was born on this date in 1732, 286 years ago.  George Washington was a great American hero and one of my favorite presidents.

It was 32 when I first went out this morning.  No rain today so I decided to ride my bike.

Nancy left first thing for her swim.  I did my PT stretches and all the calisthenics at home.  No Y today.  

After breakfast I got on the bike and rode my normal summer route to Panera.  Total miles 8.4 miles.  It is great being back on the bike.  

Good night for the USA at the Olympics, especially the women’s hockey team.  The UM BB team also continued its winning ways with victory at PSU.

Syria is bombing their own cities and killing civilians and yet NATO and other allies do not intervene.  On another Middle East matter, Turkey and the Kurds.  The Kurds helped us defeat ISIS but they are in conflict with fellow NATO member Turkey.  I favor the Kurds.  Is there a solution?

Syria is a puppet of Iran.  This does not bode well for Israel since Iran has stated their goal is to eliminate Israel.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to the New Balance store near the Rivertown Mall.  Nancy is looking for a good pair of walking shoes to take on our Chile/Argentina trip.  No luck!

At home put out more corn and picked up my office.  Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

For dinner we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  I had the fresh perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of bean soup.  Shepard’s was not crowded.  Not Nancy’s favorite restaurant but I like the food and neighborhood feel.

No Olympics tonight instead we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis.  I got my 30 minutes in today did you?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Wednesday February 21, 2018

Wednesday February 21, 2018

Blog time 0935 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  The rain finally stopped early this morning.  It was 32 when I first went out.  Ice might be a problem this morning.

Nancy headed out to MVP at 0730.  I did the exercises that the PT folks gave me yesterday.  

I was thinking of riding my bike today but decided against it because the temp was 32.  My super duper winter bike with the studded tires is in the shop.  No outside biking until I get my winter bike out of the shop.

Walked to Panera.  Noted water was everywhere and if the temp drops several more degrees driving will be treacherous.

Ordered an oatmeal breakfast with coffee.  Smart phones are great.  I paid for my breakfast using Apple Pay.  I forgot to turn off the outside lights at the condo so while sitting in Panera I brought up my security app and turned the lights off.  Tech can be great but in the wrong hands it can be a disaster.

This and that from the news:

It was just announced that Billy Graham died.  He was a very popular evangelical minister.  His contact with Queen Elizabeth as shown in the Netflix show The Throne was very interesting.

The Florida High School kids marching for Gun Control appears the be gaining steam.  Nancy said it is great how these young folks have mobilized.

I sure think the President’s son visit to India is out of line.  It appears to be a conflict of interest.

The sidewalks were nice and dry on my walk home.  I will take out my Cannondale Bad Boy to run some errands later this afternoon.

Busy Wednesday afternoon, laundry (two loads), take out trash, put out corn for deer and did my PT exercises.  I also took a short nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  The butterflies at the Gardens are just starting emerge.  The butterflies are one of the Gardens most popular exhibits.  

I pumped up the tires on the Bad Boy and headed out to run errands.  First stop was the P.O. at D&W.  I bought four books of stamps.  Next stop was Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim.  She cleans on Friday.  I took the long route home.  Total miles traveled six miles.

Light dinner and then watched the news, and Jeopardy.  Acorn has some interesting new shows but lately we have not been able to open the programs.  Stay tuned!

Blog resumes on Thursday:  after a light dinner we got a call from our next door neighbor.  She said look out the window.  We did and counted 11 deer eating the 15 ears of corn I set out earlier. Great sight.  

I think one of the reasons we see so many birds and wild animals in suburban area is the enactment off leash laws.  Dogs love to chase wild creatures.  Every spring in Alpena pack of dogs would drive deer over thin ice areas where the deer would break through.   Then  just for sport the pack would kill them.  Of course the leash laws eliminated dogs running free.  Some laws are good.

I finally got our Acorn system to work.  I unplugged the TV, Cable and Apple TV boxes and then plugged them back in.  Everything is now working.  We watched The Heart Guy before turning in.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tuesday February 20, 2018

Tuesday February 20, 2018

Blog time 0850 at Panera

It rained almost all night and the rain will continue throughout the day.  The outside temperature is 58.  Yes folks 58 in mid winter.  

No bike ride today.  After breakfast I drove to Panera.  Will leave Panera at 1000 for a swim at the Y.  Following my normal Panera routine I checked email, proofed yesterday’s blog, read digital Alpena News, the Apple News app especially top news stories and started the WSJ.  

Still pouring down rain when I headed to the Y.  The pool was crowded today but luckily I did not have to share a lane.  

Lunch and then headed downstairs to work on hanging some memorabilia that I had framed.  Nancy helped me select a wall to hang my pictures.  The area is large so I have to dig out some more items I want hung.

It was still raining hard when I left at 1500 for my appointment with the physical rehab folks.  Growing up I don’t think I ever heard of Physical Rehabilitation.  Judging by the activity at the rehab place I would say that it is a big business.  In fact I know several friends whose children work in the rehab industry.

I was assigned to Dave Tyler and he wasted no time in performing an evaluation of my problem.  He jerked and stretched my left hip and leg and explained the cause of my sore hip.  His explanation made sense to me.  I was given a set of exercises to do a home.  My next appointment with Dave Tyler is Friday.

Nancy fixed chicken breast with a great chopped vegetable salad.  I also had several slices of a baguette that Nancy purchased this morning at Trader Joe’s.

Read the GRP, watched TV news and Jeopardy before watching NCIS and Bull.  I did switch to the Olympics during commercials.  It was still raining when I went out at 2200.  Flood warning are up all over West Michigan.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Monday February 19, 2018

Monday February 19, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Some times it does not pay to get out of bed in the morning.  My iPad said it would be raining at 1000.  So I adjusted my schedule.  I am trying to minimize my walking so swimming and biking are my preferred method for aerobics.  With a 1000 rain I decided no swimming or Y but I would try to get a bike ride in.

I did my calisthenics at home, ate breakfast and headed out on my bike.  Every morning I first ride my bike around the block before heading out.  I take this time to make sure I have not forgotten anything.  Great idea because this morning I had forgotten my two front teeth.  Stopped at home and inserted my partial plate.  No one wants to see an old man with missing front teeth.  Perfect stereotype for someone from the cedar swamps of NE MI.

On my six mile ride to Panera I ran over a large pile of dog poop partially covered by snow.  When I got to Panera I checked my tires and found a nail in my rear tire.  So now I have a bike with a poop covered flat tire.  I will walk home and grab the Escape and haul the bike to Ada Bike.  It would be just my luck that Ada Bike is closed because of President’s Day.

Happy President’s Day:  I don’t know how long we will have a President’s Day because the PC folks are up in arms because some of our President’s owned slaves.  Also several recent Presidents have been accused of inappropriate sexual advances against women.  

Congress is thinking of a new FBI building at the same site as the existing building.  The projected cost $3.3 billion.  Why not just put them in trailers like many schools use it will save money.  The FBI is not my favorite federal bureaucracy.  

Why can’t POTUS just stop tweeting.  What good comes of insulting folks.  Good grief didn’t he go to Sunday School.

We are watching the Olympics but so far I have not been overwhelmed.  I like watching long track speed skating but not short track.  Also not a fan of the snow board events.  I do like the hockey and cross country skiing.  I don’t think NBC has enough cameras for the ski events.

I have read Special Prosecutor’s report on Russian involvement in our election.  It is fascinating but wonder if the FBI can penetrate the Russian computer networks why haven’t we retaliated.  Truth is stranger than fiction!

Walked home to get Escape.  Drove back to Panera and loaded up the bike and headed to Ada Bike.  They said the flat would be fixed in an hour.

Headed back home but made a quick stop at Ace Hardware.  Bought light bulbs and nails.  Lunch and then put a new light bulb in the fixture on our front porch.

Dr Kutsche gave me a prescription for several sessions at Center for Physical Rehabilitation.  Their offices are near the Spaulding/Cascade Road Intersection.  I pass it most summer days on my bike ride to Y.  I signed in and filled in a ton of paperwork.  What happened to a paperless society?  I have an appointment tomorrow at 1515.

Stopped at Ada Bike to pick up my bike.  The mechanic told me there was a flaw in the front tire and recommended not riding the bike.  I left the bike at the shop.

I spent some time in the office printing 1099 forms.  We now have all the data we need to get our taxes done, I think!

Light dinner and then we watched the news and Jeopardy.  The Olympic lineup was not very interesting so we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday February 18, 2918

Weekend Update

Blog started on Saturday 1435 while sitting at Dining Room table

It was cold this morning 20 when first went out at 0700.  It was Saturday so Nancy and I bundled up and walked to Panera.  Panera was nearly empty.

I had my usual oatmeal breakfast with banana, bagel and coffee.  Nancy only had a cup of coffee.

We laid out our plans for today.  Most important is dinner.  We agreed to try the new Vitales in Ada.  Nancy will do laundry and I will take a bike ride.

I biked 7.5 miles which was my longest Feb ride.  As soon as I got home we headed out to Horrock’s Market.  Nancy wanted to buy indoor plant fertilizer and apples.  We ended up with only apples.  I bought a 35# bag of corn and a bottle of wine from Chili.  

At home I used the sled to move the corn to the back yard.  I picked up yesterday’s cobs and put out new corn.

Lunch, emptied my laundry basket and now am writing this blog.  Spent some time reading the news.  I think most news outlet take it easy on Saturday.  They are saving the big stories for Sunday.

Nap and then we headed to the new Vitale’s restaurant on Fulton.  I had spaghetti and Nancy had a salad.  The food was average at best.  We gave Vitale’s B-.

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes before switching to the Olympics.  Spent some time on FaceTime with both Debbie and Missy.  Love FaceTime.

Sunday February 18, 2018

Blog time 2040 sitting is den watching Olympics.  

Temp was at 32 when first went out today.  High today was 39.  

Headed out at 0745 for the Y.  Nancy swam and I did some calisthenics and tried out the Y’s stationary bikes.

At home we changed clothes and headed out in bright sun to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration Service.  This service was billed as the First Sunday of Lent.  Good turnout.

Stopped at Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.46 today.  At home for the first time in what seems like ages I took Ms P on a walk.  The temperature was high enough that she did not need a jacket.  

Lunch and then spent some time reading the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.  After the nap I set out more corn for the deer.  Spent some time paying bills.  I also filled out a stupid Medicare Questionnaire.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.  I did make a diversion to mail the Questionnaire and bills.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.  

We watched the 60 Minutes and finished the GRP before switching to the Olympics. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Friday February 16, 2018

Friday February 16, 2018

Blog time 1030 at Panera

We both slept in today until 0700.  Nancy is not going to MVP because she has book club at noon.  I am not going to the Y but did all my routine including a 2K row at home.  Tom Moleski and I are going out to lunch today.

Last night at midnight I looked out the window and three deer were eating the corn I set out yesterday.  With all the snow I think they are hungry.

Temp was in mid 20s when first went out.  I left home at 0830 and biked to Panera in bright sunshine.  I had an oatmeal breakfast.  

My how times have changed.  In the 1940s we used to have a butter and egg man.  He was usually a small farmer who would churn their own butter and gather eggs.  Each week he would stop by our house and walk into the kitchen.  My mother if she was not home would leave a note on the kitchen table saying the quantity of butter and eggs we needed for the week.  The farmer would leave the produce on the kitchen table and take the money my mother had left.  Our butter and eggs man was a Mr Bartz who owned a small family farm.  In the 50s the bureaucrats in Lansing closed these operations down saying they were unsanitary.  I do not know of anyone who got sick.  It was the start of the end for small family farms.  Sad!

Today’s Alpena News had an article on a large dairy farm in Alpena County.  The farm had their dairy herd infected with bovine TB and it had to be restored.  The farmers rebuilt their herd to where they now milk 450 cows.  Everything is computerized.  Even the cows have a chip in their ear that monitors temperature, digestion and when they are ready to breed.  The farm has five full time employees.  I think our Mr Bartz had about 5-10 milk cows.

I did not have much of chances to read the news this morning because our old realtor stopped by Panera.  We had a nice talk and he brought me up on the current real estate market.  The average cost of a home in GR has gone up $65,000 since we sold four years ago.  

Biked home, changed clothes and waited for Tom and Linda Moleski to arrive for book club.  Tom and I each had a beer and small pizza at Uccello’s.  Uccello’s was crowded with folk coming for their all you can eat lunch buffet.  Tom told me about their recent cruise to Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong. 

At home we watched some Olympic Curling before Book Club ended.  Nancy said everyone was at BC.  The food she served looked good.  I know more because I am having the leftovers for dinner.

I put out more corn for the deer and took a walk around the block.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

After dinner and the news we decided that the Olympic evening lineup did not look interesting.  Instead we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis on Amazon.  I love Inspector Lewis especially the bantering between Lewis and Hathaway.