Saturday, September 30, 2017

Friday September 29, 2017

Blog time 1520 sitting in office on Saturday writing Friday’s blog:

I tried to write this blog on Friday at Panera.  I was using the super duper keyboard that I purchased when I bought the iPad Pro.  It would not work.  Maybe it needs fine tuning since I loaded the new operating system last night.

Today was another cool one with intermittent sun.  Bob and Nancy followed their normal exercise Friday routine.  With the stitches out I can now do chin ups and push-up.

Quick glance at the papers because I have to be home by noon.  This afternoon we are heading downtown to see more Art Prize exhibits.  

We parked in the Ottawa ramp and then headed to the Bob.  The Bob was jammed and they had a big selection of exhibits.  

After the Bob we walked over the Blue Bridge to the GRPM.  All the museum’s exhibits were outside.  Nothing earth shattering.

At the Jerry Ford Museum we found several winners.  The Ford Museum was also crowded.  We headed across the Interurban bridge to the Amway.  Nancy and I needed a break so we sat in the Sports Bar and had chips and a drink.  I had a Guinness and Nancy a coke.

We visited the exhibits in the Amway and then took the Skyway to the Convention Center.  Exhibits lined the walls of the hall leading to the Center.  We did not find anything outstanding.  It was now 1630 so we headed home.

I should note that I usually don’t know anyone when out in a large crowd. Today I met four old acquaintances.

On way home we stopped at D&W to get apples.  Nancy fixed me her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine on a waffle.

Our Direct TV went out last night.  We have a service man coming tomorrow.  Our Apple TV works so we watched an episode of Doc Marten before turning in.

Thursday September 28, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera 

Up early this morning so Nancy can get to the MVP pool before it gets crowded.  Cool, 51, and cloudy this morning.

Took my normal 7.5 mile bike ride to Y.  Modified calisthenics, showered and then headed to Panera.

Stuff from London papers:

Great photos of a battle between a jaguar and a caiman in Brazil.

POTUS’s son in law is registered to vote in NY.  Lists his gender as female.  Mistake?

POTUS finally suspends the Jones Act.

On this date in 551 BC Confucius is born in China.

Man arrested in South Africa for having sex with donkey.  

First thing this afternoon Nancy and I are visiting the Art Prize exhibit at Women’ City Club.  Followed by a quick trip to Dermatologist to get stitches removed.

No plans yet for rest of afternoon.  Stay tuned.  

Nancy and I visited the Women’s City Club and we both liked the 50 or so exhibits.  Plenty of time so we walked down Fulton and visited several other Venues.

It took the Doctor about ten minutes to remove the stitches and exam the scar.  She said everything is ok.

After the Doc we headed home.  For dinner tonight we went to Brann’s.  I had a bowl of lobster bisque and half of Nancy’s turkey sandwich.

Missy FaceTime me today and we discussed the NFL/Flag controversy.  We agreed to disagree.  Always like independent thought in the family.

I spent some time downloading Apple’s new operating system for my iPad, iPhone and watch.  At first glance it looks like a nice improvement.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Wednesday September 27, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera:

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up with the alarm at 0530.  Pitch black when I headed out.  Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  We meet at the University Club on the 10th floor of the 5/3 Bank building.  Despite being downtown the drive is really quite easy especially at 0630.  We park in the building’s underground garage.  The cost of parking is included in our dues.

Today's speaker was the Executive Director of Blandford Nature Center.  He talked about a successful $10m fund drive and the Center’s recent purchase of an adjacent golf course which significantly increased the size of the nature center.  Blandford is now one of the largest nature centers in the USA. Good talk.

This morning I sat at a table with eight members.  All are white males over the age of 70.  The table conversation turned to the NFL and National Anthem.  It was unanimous.  The NFL was wrong to disrespect the flag.  The feelings were quite strong.  Is this feeling generational?

After BC I stopped at Breton Auto Wash and got the Escape cleaned inside and out.  Stopped at home changed clothes and pedaled to Panera.

The damage from the recent hurricane in Puerto Rico is hard to fathom.  No electricity for days, diminished food supplies and the difficulty getting supplies to residents.  Lack of electricity means credit cards cannot be used and residents are having a hard time getting cash.  The second guessers are complaining that enough is not being done.  From what I see I think the relief agencies are doing a good job.  These agencies are dealing with disasters in TX and FL in addition to PR.  PR is 1,000 miles from the mainland and supplies must be flown in or shipped.  The cost of sending supplies to PR via ship is very costly because of the Jones Act.  This Act say cargo must be on USA ships with a USA crew.  This is very costly compared to using non USA ships.  PONTUS should suspend this requirement during the PR crisis.  Both Presidents Bush and Obama suspended the act.

The GOP is close to announcing their tax plan.  I hope it is more successful than their efforts at health care reform.

Stopped at Macatawa Bank on way home.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  The weather was cool so I took Ms P on a short walk.  

Quick lunch and then did load of laundry and took out trash.  Tried to take a nap but failed.  Played FreeCell instead.  Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  She gave us an update on what She and AJ have been doing.  AJ is having a good school year.  It is great that she likes to read.  

We watched the last episode of The Heart Guy on Acorn.  I hope their is a second season.

Before turning in I downloaded the new operating system to my iPad, iPhone, and watch.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tuesday September 26, 2017

Blog time 1050 at Panera:

Last day of warm weather.  High today is predicted to be 90 but tomorrow we barely get in the 70s.  I like the warm weather but agree we badly need rain.

Today is Nancy’s swim day so she wasted no time getting ready.  I left at 0800.  This time of year the morning sun is low in the eastern sky.  It is blinding so sunglasses are needed.  The condos in our area were known as a great place to retire.  That has changed as the condos have turned over.  School buses are now busy in the area.

Summary of today's new:

Trump and NFL are not playing nice.  It is a no win contest for anyone.  It is my opinion that not standing for the national anthem disrespects the flag.  I think most my fellow veterans would agree.  I have lost all interest in professional sports.  

Why has the GOP kept trying to repeal the ACA when they don’t have the votes?  They spend all this time on the ACA but no action on infrastructure or taxes.  Keystone cops!!

The Kurds in Iraq are voting today to create an independent county.  It looks like it is going to pass despite opposition from USA and others.  Turkey said they will cut off the Kurd’s petroleum oil pipeline through Turkey.  Oil is the lifeblood of the Kurds.  Stay tuned!

It was near 90 when I left Panera.  As soon as I got home took a walk around the block.  Quick lunch and then some housekeeping chores including ironing three pair of khakis.  Took a 30 minutes nap.  

Nancy and I left home about 1630.  Tonight we attended an Albion College Alumni get together at the Downtown Market.  Drinks, snacks and a chance to look at some Art Prize Exhibits at the Market.  We figured about 50 folks attended.

At home I took my evening walk.  I will have to start taking a flashlight because sunset is now at 1929.  It was dark when I got home.

We watched NCIS and Bull before heading to bed.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Monday September 25, 2017

Blog time 1050 at Panera:

This morning our sleep was interrupted by horns honking.  I figured that there was a big traffic backup on I 96.  Normally we don't hear traffic on 96.

We both got ready for our trips to our health clubs.  Our hot weather will continue through Tuesday.  High today in low 90s with bright sun.  Looks like we will need AC today.

Really difficult to figure out what to wear on these hot days.  High 60s when I left home and 70 when I got to the Y.  Shed a layer when I left.

Stuff from London papers:

Merkel’s victory is said to be bittersweet.  Far right party wins for first time.  She will have difficult time forming government.

Good grief would you drink carbonated milk?

Several stories on NFL players taking knee.  

Major league confusion in the U.K. on a BRexit plan.  No one seems in control.

Wolfs have been sighted around Rome.  First time in over 100 years.  The area is loaded with wild boars.  The wolfs find them tasty.

Stuff from WSJ:

Chinese universities are being forced to toe the party line.  Mandatory Ideology classes are required.  Folks who make negative statements about the regime are punished.  Not a free society.  In today’s internet world how long can the mind control last?

The region of Catalonia in Spain wants to hold a referendum regarding their separation from Spain.  The Spanish Government says the referendum is illegal but they are facing serious opposition.  What is with the separation movements, Kurds in Iraq, Scotland in U.K. , and Flemish in Belgium?

There are sensible solutions to solving our high taxes.  George Shultz and others senior GOP members have proposed a carbon tax.  It would be environmentally beneficial and raise enough revenue to offset tax cuts.  Simpson/Bowes also had a sensible solution to our deficit problems.  The GOP’s far right will not compromise.  We really need a third Political party. This party would be made up of moderate GOP and Dems folks.  Sound like a good idea?

It was 88 when I left Panera.  Before lunch I took a quick walk around the block.  Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  I bought a long sleeve tee, prunes and small sandwich rolls.  Nancy came up empty handed.

I did take a short nap.  Light dinner and then my short evening walk.  We watched another episode of The Heart Guy before turning in.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Sunday September 24, 2017

Blog time 1730 Sunday, sitting in downstairs office:

Weekend Update:

Saturday September 23:

Up at 0630 finish packing and then head down to complimentary breakfast at America’s Best Value Inn in Newberry, Mi.  Standard motel breakfast except for the biscuits and gravy.  Also first time I have seen a tip jar.  Tacky.

The temperature today will reach 90+ in all of MI.  Can you believe it: 90 degrees in late September in the UP.

Our first stop was St Ignace.  Nancy visited a shop that sells items furnished by Nancy’s friend Kathi.  Kathi had never visited the store.  Nancy took pictures of the store for Kathi.  It was a nice set up.  I like St. Ignace better than Mackinaw City.  

After this stop we got on I 75 and headed straight home.  Pleasant drive with light traffic.  We did stop in Sand Lake to pick up Ms P.  Arrived home about 1430.  Unpacked and then drove to D&W Gas Station to fill up the Escape. The speed limits on rural 4 lanes in MI is now 75 and I was surprised that our gas mileage still exceeded 25 mph.  I drove the speed limit.

I did take a walk around the block before showering and shaving.  Turned on the AC and then a short nap.

I did watch some of the UM/Purdue game.  UM struggles but still wins.  The Refs rejected two Purdue players for hits to the head.  I watched the replays and think the coaches should be fired.  It looked deliberate.  I still maintain that if you want to reduce concussions, remove the helmet face mask.  

We had tamales for dinner.  Watched a new episode of Doc Martin.  Love Doc Martin!  

We FaceTimed Debbie and gave her an update of our trip.  We will visit San Jose in mid-Oct.  Watched some of the first half of the MSU/ND game before turning in.

Sunday September 24, 2017:

Up at 0630 and prepare for our Sunday trip to Y.  Nancy swam and I did calisthenics and a walk/run.  Hurried home, changed clothes and headed to the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Just before entering the church lot a big buck deer crossed Fulton.  Church was crowded this morning.

We stopped at Meijer's for supplies.  I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch and then read the papers before taking my nap.

Spent several hours going through accumulated mail.  Checked bank accounts and paid some bills.

Nancy is fixing chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.  We will watch 60 Minutes and PBS if the Vietnam series is on.

We really enjoyed our brief vacation.  The internet at our motels was very weak so we missed much of the news which was good.

I am embarrassed for the USA because of the current juvenile actions of PONTUS and professional athletes.   I think everyone should stand for the National Anthem.  If folks don’t want to stand I would just ignore them.  Calling them out just adds fuel to the fire.  I think the current actions of professional athletes has soured me on watching.  Enough said.

The pundits finally had it correct when they predicted an election win for the German Chancellor.  

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday September 22, 2017

Blog time 2015 at America’s Best Value Inn in Newberry, Mi:  

Busy day! Up at 0630 quick breakfast at the motel and then we head out.

The day started out hot and sunny.  Temps were in high 80s.  Can you believe that in Michigan’s cold UP.   The UP is known to have snow in September.  We encountered rain in the late afternoon.

We headed north out of Newberry for Upper Tahquamenon Falls.  When we arrived the parking lot was nearly full.  Noted plenty of out of state plates.  We walked to several viewing areas.  The walks involved two stair climbs of over 100 steps.  I know this because Nancy counted them.  Perfect day for viewing the Falls.  The Falls lived up to their hype.  I was impressed.  I was also impressed with the boardwalks.  The State did a good job.

Our second stop was at the Lower Tahquamenon Falls.  The walk to the viewing areas was easier than the Upper Falls.  These Falls were also impressive.  Both Falls are in heavily wooded areas.   Noted a lot of tall white pines.  Both my Grandfathers would have been impressed with the heavy stand of pines.  They were the original tree huggers.  They never met a white pine they did not want to cut down.

After the Falls we headed to Paradise on the shores of Whitefish Bay.  We then headed north to Whitefish Point.  Ships traveling east on Lake Superior enter Whitefish Bay at Whitefish Point on their way to the Soo Locks.  The locks allow large ore boats to enter the lower lakes on their way to ports in Gary, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland or Buffalo.

Lake Superior is know for its fierce storms.  Many ship wrecks near Whitefish Point.  The most famous being the Edmund Fitzgerald.  Gordon Lightfoot wrote a famous song on the sinking of the Fitzgerald.  We visited the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum.  It was very interesting.  

My hometown, Alpena, had many large boats arriving and leaving.  The local radio station would always give an update on the coming and going of the cement boats.  Alpena had the largest cement plant in the world.  All the cement left on the boats.  I had several classmates who spent their careers on the boats.  

Growing up we burned coal for home heating. All our coal was delivered by boat usually from Cleveland.  I remember one year the coal miners union was on strike.  My parents were worried that if the strike was not settled before the Lakes froze we would pay a premium for coal.  It would have to be delivered by rail car which was very expensive.

My Grandmother Hughes had a brother James McTavish who became estranged from his father, my Great Grandfather McTavish.  After he left home my Grandmother never had contact with him.  I asked my Grandmother about her brother and she said the last she knew he was a Captain on a Great Lakes boat.  I asked several of my classmates if they could check their Union records to see if they could find a James  McTavish.  No luck.  I also have visited web sites.  Have you ever heard of  With my DNA on record at both 23&me and My Heritage I hope I get a McTavish match.  I keep hoping.

After the shipwreck museum we traveled until we hit the Whitefish Bay National Scenic Byway.  We traveled east along Whitefish Bay making stops at Point Iroquois Light Station Museum and several scenic overlooks.  

Drove through the Bay Mills Indian Reservation and Brimley before heading back to Newberry.

For dinner tonight we attended the Friday night fish fry at the Newberry Elks.  Great Whitefish!  

Tomorrow we head south across the bridge.  It has been a great trip.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday September 21, 2017

Blog time 2100 sitting in America’s Best Value Inn in Munising, Mi drinking wine:

Once again I set the alarm for 0630.  Today we are going on a boat tour of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.  The Boat leaves at 1200 from Munising about 80 miles from St Ignace.  The motel’s complementary breakfast opens at 0700.  There are several tour buses staying at the motel so we have to be first in line in order to meet our schedule.  Twenty minutes after our arrival the place was full and they were running out of food.  Good timing for the Scott’s.  We gave the food a C-.

Pleasant drive to Munising.  Bright sunshine and temps in mid 70s.  The colors were starting.  We passed miles of cedar swamps just like the Grand Lake area near Alpena.  

We arrived in Munising about 1130.  The parking lot was already filled with many out-of-state cars.  We had prepurchased our tickets so all we had to do was stand in line.  The tour boat has three decks.  Since it was such a bright, warm sunny day we decided on the open third deck.  

We got good seats on the third deck.  I was mad at myself because I forgot to bring the sunscreen and my wide brimmed hat that I had set out.  The boat left at exactly 1200.  

A pleasant start and we were settling in for a nice two hour trip when the fog rolled in.  We saw very little of the Pictured Rocks.  In fact the fog was so bad that the boat turned around.  Our two hour trip was now one hour with little opportunity to see the Pictured Rocks.  The good news we were given a full refund.

Back in the car we decided to see the Pictured Rocks from land.  Our first stop was to see Miner’s Falls.  It was a nice mile walk.  The fog had lifted so we got several good photos.

Our second stop was at the most prominent feature of the Pictured Rocks whose name escapes me.  Once again we got a good view of this outcropping.  We saw a lot of folks from the boat trip.  They must have felt like we did if not by water then by land.  I think I got a good feel for the area despite our foggy boat trip.

We took a pleasant ride back to Newberry.  We got back at 1700.  A full day of traveling.  We had dinner in downtown Newberry.  

For two days, no TV or papers.  It has been great.  Tomorrow Tahquamenon Falls.  Stay tuned!

Wednesday September 20, 2017

Blog time, Thursday September 21 sitting in motel in Munising

Wednesday morning, I set the alarm for 0630.  Today we are starting our UP trip.  We have to be in Sand Lake at 0900 to meet Kim.  She is taking Ms P.

We made a quick stop at Panera to get coffee and bagels to go.  We arrive in Sand Lake slightly before 0900 and Kim is waiting.  Quick transfer and we head north.

Beautiful day for a drive.  Sun and temps in mid 70s.  We both agreed that the colors as we headed north were not as advanced as in GR.  

We arrived in Mackinaw City at noon.  We walked around town and had lunch.  After lunch we bought tickets to see Fort Michilimackinac.  It was very interesting.  I have toured the fort on the Island but this was my first time for the mainland fort.  Why it the city spelled Mackinaw and the Island and bridge Mackinac?

After the fort we crossed over the Mackinac Bridge to St Ignace.  It has been 20 years since I had been over the bridge.  The fare is only $4.00.

In September 1955 AHS played a football game in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.  We took a ferry across the Straits and another over the St Mary’s River.  It was a long trip.  The game was on Saturday afternoon so we left early.  AHS won.  The bridge was a great investment for Mi.

We checked into our motel in St Ignace, The Breakers.  Took a long walk along the City’s Boardwalk that follows the Lake Huron shoreline.  Pleasant evening for a walk.

We had dinner at a restaurant located on the shoreline.  We sat outside and had a pleasant dinner.

Great start for our UP trip. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday September 19, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera

It was dark and gloomy when we got up this morning.  Sunrise is at 0727 and will continue to get later until DST ends on Nov 5.  We now have 12h17’ of daylight heading to 9 hours at the Winter Solstice, Dec 21.  I don't like to ride my bike in darkness even with lights.

My phone’s weather app said it would rain this morning.  So my plan was to exercise at home and then walk to the Y and eventually Panera.  After my modified calisthenics routine at home I rechecked my phone and it said no rain this morning.  Fickle!  

I got on the bike and took a nine mile ride to Panera.  It was very dark so I needed all the bike lights.  I really should not complain because we have had a spectacular bike season.  I think I have only missed two days because of weather.

Very interesting article in the Alpena News on former AHS football and baseball coach Bob Delaney.  He coached at AHS from 1945 to 1952 and had a 52-9 record.  After a brief stint as an assistant at MSU he became head coach at Wyoming with a record of 35-10-5.  His final coaching stop was Nebraska.  He had a 82-18-5 record, two undefeated seasons, two NCAA titles and a Coach of Year honor.

I think his success was because of his attention to detail.  He organized touch football league for the four elementary schools and a tackle league for the middle schools.  He knew the name of every boy on every team.  He also was very persuasive in getting boy’s with talent to go out for football, especially the kids from the rural schools.  I remember as a freshman that on Thursdays before a game he would make us freshmen scrimmage against the varsity.  If a play was not run properly he would run it over and over until the varsity got it right.  For us freshman it was a black and blue scrimmage.  I did not look forward to Thursday’s practice.

What is with the stock market it just keeps plugging along?

President Trumps speech to the UN got mixed reviews.  Israel said it was bold but France and several EU countries took exception to parts of the speech.  America First was given major emphasis.  I don't think calling the North Korean leader “Rocket Man” was appropriate. TR had it right speak softly but carry a big stick or as I was taught in the Navy “chew out in private and praise in public”.  Enough said!

At home we took Ms P on her walk followed by lunch.  Finished packing for our UP trip.  Ran errands including buying small bottles of wine for our trip.  Red for me and white for Nancy.

This evening we are going to Noto’s for the monthly get together of our condo groups.  It is always an enjoyable time.

The natural disasters keep piling up.  Hurricane following hurricane and now another earthquake in Mexico.

Monday September 18, 2017

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Heavy fog this morning, with temp in 50s.  Nancy headed out to MVP.  I stayed home and drank a gallon of water.  No breakfast at home today because my Doc requested I retake my recent urine test.  I headed out to Metro Health on Cascade Road.  Doctor Kutsche’s group has just joined Metro Health.  Metro is now part of the UM system.  

With our recent many trips to doctors I have finally figured out that the health industry is a huge business.  I am pleased with our level of care.  I just hope the USA does not adopt Senator Sander’s proposal of Medicare for everyone.  It is costly but I think the level of service will decline.  The London papers are always talking about the UK’s NHS incompetence.

We have a flock of turkeys living in our neighborhood.  They must have found a good source of food.  They keep getting bolder and bolder.

After my test I headed home to get my bike.  Rode to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

POTUS has a great opportunity to increase his image if he gives a good speech at the UN this week.  I hope he does not embarrass us.  

After leaving Panera I took the long route home.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some cash.  Next I stopped at Cascade Twp to tell them the street light is still out.  Finally I picked up at prescription at Meijer's.  Also bought supplies for our upcoming trip to UP including two bottles of wine.  My new bike bag has saddle bags.  The bags easily hold two bottles of wine and my iPad.  Who needs a car?

Walk around the block before lunch.  Showered and shaved before a nap.

Light dinner followed by short walk.  Watched an episode of The Heart Guy on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed early while I watched some of the Lions game before turning in.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday September 17, 2017

Weekend Update: written Sunday sitting on deck,  1730

We have had a great end of summer weekend.  Warm temps and sun.  No rain so far.

Started the weekend by our ritual walk to Panera.  We had our normal bagel, oatmeal, coffee fare.

At home we got in the Escape and ran errands.  First stop was Kohl’s.  I have been looking for corduroy pants to wear on cooler days.  No luck but I did find a pair at Kohl’s.    Nancy purchase place mats for our kitchen table.  We also looked for a wedge pillow but no luck.

Nancy started doing laundry and I took a 12 mile bike ride.  The trails were crowded.

We took Ms P on a short walk.  She does not like the 80 degree temps.

I did watch some of the UM/AFA game.  UM won but struggled.

Lunch and then showered and shaved.  I took a short nap.

For dinner we took our neighbor, Sonya with us to JT’s Pizza.  We all enjoyed the pizza.

Debbie face timed us and we spent time catching up.  The high temps have abated in San Jose.  No Netflix this evening.  I did watch snippets of several football games.

Sunday September 17

Alarm goes off at 0630 and we get ready for our trip to the Y.  Nancy swam and I did modified calisthenics and a mile walk/run.

No time for coffee at Panera.  We drop our gear at home and head to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration service.  The church was crowded this morning.

We stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas.  Gas was $2.54 per gallon.

I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch followed by a nap.

Missy FaceTimed us this afternoon.  We got caught up.  AJ had a friend spent the night.  It was 1100 PDT when Missy called and the girls were still in bed, a good sign the sleep over was successful.

We did take a quick trip to the card store to purchase Condolence and Birthday cards.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs and ham for dinner tonight.  I will watch the Ken Burns show on Vietnam this evening.